An intoduction!

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(most of this story will be written in your POV) 

Guide: Y/N=your name, N/N=nickname, F/C= favorite color, H/C= hair color, E/C= eye color, B/F/N= bestfriends name

Y/N Pov

i had been gone for six months. Don't get me wrong i loved those six months but man did i miss the Avengers and their tower. I knew no one would be able to pick me up at the airport and when i got in hearing JARVIS was still enough to make me happy! 

"Good day, Miss y/n. Mister Stark is sad he can not be here to pick you up but he will be at the tower when you arrive." JARVIS said in his silky voice. The comfortably of my precious Impala made me smile and lean back. Uncle T had improved the old car but had it still slightly old-school and i loved it! i would have lived in the car if i didn't have an equally amazing bedroom. 

" Ah, thank you so much JARVIS! Could you please play me my favorite soundtrack? " i asked and without a response JARVIS put on the station. Usually i would have screamed along with the singers but instead i took in the amazingness of New York. Africa was beautiful, but nothing could ever compare to my New York. As i was watching my surrounding i also thought about seeing all the Avengers. I really missed Uncle T, but i can't lie, i missed Stevey the most. Uncle T and Steve were my father but Steve doubled as my best friend and my brother. Then we had Nat and Clint who were like my twins and we loved pulling pranks together! I had met Wanda and Vision a few times but i never really got to know them very well, i did know that me and Wanda loved shopping. Then there was Bucky, ah Bucky! Bucky and i had worked through his problems and i actually helped him understand the world better. Bruce was like my mom sometimes and other times i barely knew the guy! finally there was Thor... all i know about Thor is that we have a lot in common and that he is a TOTAL hottie! 

" We have arrived, Miss y/n." JARVIS said interrupting my endless thoughts. Before i could even thank him my door flew open and i was wrapped in a hug. I could tell it was Uncle T, he always hugged me first. He pulled away and looked me up and down before kissing my head. 

" Ah Kid, i missed you so much! Pepper wished she should be here but she had to go help with an injury at the company. Steve and Bucky are upstairs, Clint and Nat are out on a mission -- that really pissed them off-- , and Thor is gonna arrive today!" Tony explained to me as we began walking towards the elevator. i was as excited as him so i just smiled. He hugged me again when we got in the elevator. 

" Hey, Uncle T, you didn't replace me with that Spider kid did you?" i asked it even though i wasn't really worried. Pepper told me his real name was Peter Parker and he was younger then me so i didn't feel too much pressure. The reason i asked was to see how Tony would react to me sounding jealous. He turned and looked at me, then he smashed my cheeks between his hands. 

" YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVORITE ADOPTED CHILD!" he fake-screamed into my faced and i laughed. That was Uncle T for you! Finally the elevator dinged that we reached our floor and once again arms enveloped me! I knew it was Steve, who else had those huge arms? Bucky patted my back once Steve finally let me go. 

"good to have you back,Soldier!" He said but i was attacked from behind. 

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"two voice's yelled as i fell to the ground. It was for sure Clint and Nat. 

"Glad i am home too!" i replied. 

Tony told us all to wait for Thor to arrive. He said there was going to be something big to discuss. I didn't really care though, i mean i am home nothing else could ruin my mood. That's what i thought anyways, but that was ruined when Thor walked in with his evil brother! His name was Loki, i was very aware of who he was. Thor hugged me and i had very hard time hugging him back because i felt that villains creepily beautiful green-blue eyes on me. 

" Thor, i love you more then i can express BUT WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?" i hissed the words. i'm not usually like this but he killed people. He was the reason i had gone to Africa, so that i could speak with a young scientist about a way to improve our tech. Uncle T didn't like the idea so i had to go alone. Everyone in the room seemed to look at me in slight shock, even Steve and Bucky who both knew the horrors i had seen the first day of his attack. 

" Lady y/n, you have always preached forgiveness have you not?" Thor said in his sweet voice. I looked right into his eyes and nodded. I always wanted people to get second chances, BUT HE IS EVIL! 

" Listen, N/N, he's powerful! you know how good he is with magic! Besides that Thor says he has good reason for what he did... you always say give them a second chance. If he can help the avengers... well shouldn't we take the help?" Steve said resting his comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked at the raven haired man and i felt the bubble in my stomach grow. he took a step forward and Steve's grip tightened. 

" if i may, i am not here on my choice. I will be killed if i leave so don't worry to much, miss sma-" before he could finish his sentence Natasha smacked his face. He reached up and grabbed his face while nodding. i let out a laugh and soon all but Loki were laughing. "mewling quim," he whispered but i swear i saw a smile on his lips for a second! 

" okay so i give him the chance to be in the Avengers, but why would that matter anyways?" i asked knowing that i wasn't a official member so i had to real opinion. Tony and Thor exchanged a glance that made me grow even more nervous. Thor walked over and placed his strong hands on my shoulder. I am 22 years old yet never in my life have i ever felt like such a spoiled child as i did in that moment looking at Thor's sad eyes. 

" Please, Lady Y/N, help him like you did brother Barnes... help my brother be my brother again. " Thor's big puppy eyes broke me. i shook my head and hugged him. he picked me up and twirled me around the room. i could feel the joy in him. he set me down and placed a kiss on both my cheeks causing my face to burn a red. Bucky winked at me and i looked over at Loki. He stood a smirk plastered on his face. 

" alright mister, here's what your gonna do; each day we will have a one hour talk session before you go to sleep where i will give you advice on to how to help with your problem, then you will have a journal to store all extra thoughts, and then once a day you, me, Bucky, and Thor will spend doing something to help control anger, fear, etc. . oh and don't think you can push me around, i may be the nice one but i will have anyone of these people beat you up. and yes that would include Brucey and the HULK." I saw his eyes light up and Thor took him to their room, cheering something about how nice it would be for him to hand out with me. Buck gave me a nogie before walking into the kitchen. i went to the elevator and rode it to my floor. when i arrived i was happy to be back. 

please just imagine what your dream house would look like and then make a floor on avengers tower! 


fja jepofja;gj e;jf my first xreader ever! i love this so much guys afnh; ok ha;okfhs;ia please be nice to me~! first twenty comments get either a shoutout or a character added in!!! but those who comment must also vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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