A Song

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Your POV 

So maybe you are wondering ' hey y/n why don't you wanna sing a duet with Loki?' and i give you fare reason to ask that. You see me and Jo weren't always just friends. Way back when me and Jo had a small and secretive fling. We went to a local bar and sang duets together every Friday to get some extra money. A few weeks in y/b/f/n told me she had formed a crush on the new guy at her college, and i was so happy for her... until i met the guy. It was Jo and i couldn't bring myself to cheat my friend of her amazing crush on they guy, so i let him go. Ever since, i can barely sing duets with anyone unless it's someone who i know is definitely only a friend. Oh and even though is really great, and i am positive he is love with y/b/f/n he still flirts with me sometimes. But don't worry, i'm over him but like most things it still hurts to remember something you love. I'm gonna prove him wrong though, Loki is the love of my life and thats that. 

I took a deep breath as we look through the possible songs in my phone for me and Loki to do. While we were searching the song Like I'm Gonna Loose you by Meghan Trainor showed up. All of the images of Loki dying in my dreams popped into my head and i grabbed his hand. I simply pointed at the song and he smiled and gave me a nod. Lance had grabbed us a set of mics and his ukulele. I showed him the song and he nodded. I gulped and waited for the chords to start. Finally they rang out and i brought the mic to my mouth. 

"I found myself dreaming, In silver and gold,Like a scene from a movie, That every broken heart knows, We were walking on moonlight, And you pulled me close, Split second and you disappeared, And then I was all alone, I woke up in tears, With you by my side, A breath of relief, And I realized, No, we're not promised tomorrow" I sang softly, my eyes now glued to Loki, since the crowd was so hard to look at. 

" So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you, And I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye, Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted, 'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time, So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you, I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you." we sang together, our eyes lost within each other. He moved closer and held one of my hands. I could hear the quiet sounds of my friends dancing or people making kissy noises. I just smiled at the god who had stolen my heart. I felt warmer and safer right next to him. 

" In the blink of an eye, Just a whisper of smoke, You could lose everything, The truth is you never know, So I'll kiss you longer baby, Any chance that I get, I'll make the most of the minutes, And love with no regrets, Let's take our time to say what we want, Here's what we got before it's all gone, 'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow." His voice was so much smoother and delicate then i had expected. I felt butterflies fly in my stomach and my face ached from smiling. I could just hear my own heartbeat. 

" So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you, And I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye, Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted, 'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time, So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you, I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you." we sang the chorus out together. I forgot what we sang after that, i just remember him twirling me around in that bright moonlight and the sounds of laughter. 

We ended the night by all of us sleepily walking up to our rooms. I was too tired to even really walk, and thankfully Thor was willing to carry me much to his brother's protests that he should be the one to carry me. I didn't care, i just wanted sleep, and Thor could walk straighter then Loki. Thor was very kind about all of it and any time he thought i was uncomfortable in the small trip he would apologize, and i would tell him i felt the exact same. Now i layed in bed, waiting for Loki to come in after he finishes talking with Tony about something. I feel like they are planning something else on me, but i'm so tired i can't even get up. Finally Loki came in but for some reason he didn't lay next to me, in fact he gave me cold shoulder. I frowned and moved to be pressed against his back with my face resting into his shoulder. 

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