The Truth (Part 3)

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Loki and y/n started seeing each other as much as possible. Loki would write her letters that he would leave around his room for her to take home and read later, sometimes with a time and place for a secret meet up. Most mornings though, the prince would wait in his room for the girl of gold to come skipping in and watch as she carefully cleaned his room. He tried to keep his room as clean as possible so her cleaning could be quick and she could spend her few extra minutes talking to him. While the prince planned his way to spend time with the girl, she worked on saving each of his letters and keeping their relationship secret. y/n only told two people on who her secret lover was, Sif and Coral worked hard on helping her keep secrets from the King. Today though was different. Loki had slid the young girl a note to meet at the rainbow bridge at 6, but the young girl looked at the resting sun and knew it was well past that time. He had never done this before. He was always there before her. He always had some gift. He was always so perfect so why was today different. Her heart raced as she pulled out the note to reread it. 

My princess, i need you to pack a bag. Be haste. I will meet you with my own bag at the rainbow bridge. 6 sharp. I can't keep hiding anymore, not you at least. so i will give up my chances at the crown and  we will finally run away. You love midgaurd, so that is where we will go. And for the rest of my days i will love you. I promise you this. For all i want to do most days is scream of my love for you. I long to hold you into the dark hours of the night and the light of early morning. So please, be ready to run away with me forever. Loki. 

She looked over the words again. She hadn't broken any of his rules, except she didn't pack a bag. She wasn't going to let him run away, she couldn't. His only goal in life was to impress his father enough to be crowned king, and she was sure it would happen. As much as y/n loved Thor, he wasn't fit to rule like Loki was. So she was ready to fight him. Force him to stay, no matter how much it hurt her. She wrapped her cloak tighter around her and she sighed and began walking back home. Her eyes welled with tears as she took her first step off the bridge and then she heard heavy breaths. She looked up to see Loki running towards her. He barely managed to stop in front of her before falling to the ground. Y/n was surprised to say the least, and crouched down to look him over. He worked on catching his breath as she laughed at his messy hair and disheveled clothes. 

" Marry," He heaved out. " Me." He stated between his heavy breaths. Y/n jumped back slightly. Not prepared for the words that left the young prince's mouth. Her eyebrows creased together as she helped him stand. Then she laughed, her eyebrows still furrowed. 

" Oh come now, love. we can't just get married!" She said through her laughter. She used her magic to bring some clean water to his lips. He drank quickly before taking her hands in his. 

" We must. My father wants to choose my wife but i only want you. You forever, whether i loose the crown to my blonde brother or die i want you. We must run away, now. Before my father realizes i escaped." Loki said trying to lead her to the end of the bridge, but she fought back. she shook her head crazily. she pulled away from his grip and looked at him as though he was mad. 

" Loki stop!" She yelled out. she ran her hands through her hair before looking at him. She let a huge sigh of guilt over the pained expression on his face. He looked like a young child being told he couldn't do the one thing he wanted to do most and it stung her heart. She never wanted to hurt him, but she couldn't let him go through with this. 

" Loki you are going to be a great King, i know that for sure, but i will never be able to be your queen! It doesn't work like that for me!... let me show you something." She said each word like it weighed down her body. Loki nodded his head slowly and followed her over to the forest edge. She threw her hand in the air and suddenly the water came forth to create a screen. A young baby girl appeared on the screen, resting in a bed of blood and war but on her head was a small crown. Loki glanced over at y/n to see tears in her eyes and it clicked in his head. 

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