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Your POV

I didn't mean to jump so far away from him, but the fear of someone seeing us scared me very much. I can't let anyone find out about my feeling for Loki, they would lock him up for manipulating me or worse he would be thrown back to Asgard. So yes , when Thor walked in i jumped away from Loki and the booming blonde put his hands on my shoulders. 

" Lady y/n we leave today after we go and retrieve the... well you know- what!" Thor said to me i his always happy voice. I smiled at him and then glanced at Loki. If i couldn't tell Thor that i was crushing on his brother, well i might as well let him know that Loki and I and very good friends. 

" Thor he knows." I said not letting my smile falter. Loki looked at me with wide eyes which almost made me laugh, but i kept it together. Thor stood dumbfounded at what i had just revealed to him. 

"You told him? But i thought we were supposed to keep it secret? i thought Antony was very clear when he told us that we can't tell Loki?" Thor asked slowly and un-surely. My heart melted for the mans innocents and belief in everybody. 

" Well, don't you think it was a little rude of us? I told him cause i'm his friend Thor, and as his brother you should agree with my decisions!" I forced myself to slightly guilt trip Thor. He lit up and hugged me. Over his shoulder i saw Loki looking glum in the corner, i don't think he enjoyed being classified as just a friend. 

"YOU ARE TRULY THE GREATEST YOU SHALL NOW BE MY SISTER LADY y/n!" Thor boomed as he began dragging me out of the room. He began telling me about where the weapon was hidden but i wasn't listening. I was looking at Loki and i mouthed 

" i don't see you as just a friend, we will continue this conversation!" 

Finally Thor had dragged me all the way out of the room and we were walking towards the weapons room. I was confused, the weapon was meant to be in a secret base here and we were meant to steal it. it was supposed to be extremely dangerous for we would be in a modern city, with enough street allies to be terrifying. Thor grabbed a scythe like staff, but instead of the blade only being on one side of the weapon it actually was a full half circle of death on a stick. He picked up Mjnoir and smiled at me. 

" They call it the star destroyer, i had it sent here from Asgard as a reward for putting up with my brother. Now let us be off!" He said and he pulled me to the scary city. The tall walls, the sound of children screaming, the loud booms, it all made me feel like running back to the safety of the hide-out. Thor continued pulling me in and then i felt his hand let go. I slipped away behind a large trash can; this town was like the parts of New York Tony banned me from exploring. I stayed there for a moment before hearing a loud grunt. I peaked out and saw Thor and a large gun. 

" THOR?" I whisper hissed at him. He quickly scurried over to me right before a soldier walked by. The soldier walked close to our hiding and waited. I held my breath while trying to heal Thor, and finally the soldier gave way and left. Thor sighed as i inspected his gun. 

" My apologies, i let go of your hand cause i thought i saw the scepter." Thor mumbled through his gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. 

" Thor, this scepter isn't gonna be easy to find if we stay together -- we simply have too much ground to cover. The security in the building shouldn't be too hard for me to take down, so while i distract them you go through the back. You go and try to find the scepter and once i'm done with security i will take to my searching. That sound okay?" I said quietly while finishing healing him. He nodded his head and before i knew what was happening he was gone. I stood up slowly and a figure flashed in front of my eyes. I shook my head slightly and began walking towards the entrance of what would seem to most people like a basic business building. Then without warning a group of soldiers came out and spotted me. They ran fast to get to me but before i was aware of what happened i was in an alley again this time with a tall, slender body pressing me into the corner. 

" Hey buddy i don't know-" I was cut of as the man slammed a hand against my mouth. he still didn't turn to look at me while i struggled and i even bit his hand! I was extremely irritated and lifted my knee up to his gut and slammed it. He grunted and turned to look at me. My mouth gaped open cause there was Loki's obvious blue and green eyes.  

"LOKI?" I hissed in whisper, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he was terrified. I grumbled and growled while he continued to keep eyes on the guards. 

" I may have tricked your King friend into believing you were in need of assistance." Loki said with a smirk on his lips. God dammit i hated those lips, and that smirk, and those eyes. I hated it all. I hated it all so much that i grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. 

" Those guards will look at us if we don't give them a reason not to. we have to distract them. " I said sharply while feeling my body press closer to him. 

" and what do you suggest?" He asked in a rigid breath. I felt his chest pressed close to mine. I felt the was i was standing on my toes slightly to reach his height. I felt his breath on my lips even though our faces were still a respectable distance apart. I felt his eyes travel over my face and then away -- as if he was forcing himself not to do something. 

" I... i don't know? what is something a soldier would over look?" i questioned even though i had a pretty decent idea in my head. The problem was that my idea involved Loki's lip -- that i hate -- being against mine. The idea involved me wrapping my arms around his neck and running my hands through his beautiful hair -- that i was envious of. The idea was causing my breath to catch in my throat, my heartbeat to quicken, and my face to flush red. I think Loki had a similar idea for he was having a similar reaction to me. Then i felt one of his arms wrap around my waste. 

"I have an odd feeling that two sweethearts in a passionate kiss might send two soldiers running off in embarrassment for catching such intimacy?" Loki said and his face was already closer to mine. I felt my arms move on their own to his hair. His eyes lit up at the movement but he didn't move without my permission. 

" Okay, yeah. Two sweethearts. A kiss. That all sounds nice -- wait no i mean it... sounds convincing." I stumbled as i leaned forward. A small voice in my head told me not to. But my heart urged me. It told me that even those who did terrible things in the end they just wanted love. It reminded me of what had happened when i was 16. It told me to just kiss the asshole already and it even convinced my brain a little bit. 

And then i did it. I kissed him with all the force i could. He let out a slight groan of surprise at my lips smashing against his, but he regained himself and his hand moved to cup my face. I ran my hands through his raven hair and i heard the guards look and i am positive they said something but they just walked away. I can't tell you how long we remained kissing even after the guards were gone but i can tell you that i saw stars spinning around my head when we puled away to catch our breath. Then i grabbed his hand. 

" Hey Loki?" 

" Yes, y/n?" 

" After we retrieve this scepter... you wanted be a little more then friends?" I asked nervously rubbing my thumb up and down his hand. He pulled my knuckle up to his soft lips and kissed the ruff skin. His smirk grew. 

" I would enjoy that very much. I am going to guess this means that you enjoyed my kiss? or do i need a little work?" He asked as i carefully walked us into the building. I looked at him and he just smiled. 

" Just shut up and be thankful that you are good. And if you dare tell anyone what has happened here, just know that Tony will not be hesitant in killing you." i said with a playful wink. 

Thankfully Thor was given plenty of time to retrieve the sceptor and we made it out without to many injuries. Loki kept trying to hold my hand and i unfortantly had to stop him, but he became thankful when i showed him how the amazing dagger worked. Oh and shall i mention that Loki and i found a place for a few more make-out sessions before we were foeced onto the helicopter? Yeah, this is gonna be a difficult one to tell Uncle T... 


blasijbglajbfh I LOVE SEBASTIAN STAN SO MUCH OMG! I'm dying right now cause i just... the marvel cast is so perfect. Anyways, we love you all so much so if you could vote and comment and share that would be the best. See you beauties later!

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