The End Of Good Times

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your POV (infinity war spoilers from here on out)

I sat tied up in the chair. The ugly frost giant bent down and looked into my eyes, his disgusting red ones trying to scare me. I rolled my eyes but felt the shot of his cold hand touching my face. The skin burned but i gritted my teeth. 

" Why do you even want him! I should tell you, he is purely useless to you." I growled, trying to burst the chains off my hands. The giant laughed. 

" we don't want him. Someone else does, and we will do what he wants." the giant said his eyes fogging over with a sort of pained look. I spit at him. 

" rot in hell." I growled, but then another giant walked in. His face was unreadable, but behind him came a purple titan looking thing. He looked me over and smiled happily. He walked towards me and pet my hair with his giant hand. 

" Oh my poor child, i understand. it hurts, but tell us where your boy is." He said carefully continuing to pet my hair. I growled at him and ripped my head away from his grasp. 

" You assholes will never get him or Earth. I would rather die then help you." My skin flashed its blue and i felt the gold rush over my eyes. The titan smiled and waved a hand. 

" unchain her. Send her back. we don't need him right now, nor her, or the sister. i promise that when the time comes they will fall into my hands, but not right now. Not well the father is alive." He grumbled. Then he looked at me and flashed an image in front of my face. All i could see was Loki, his face covered in dirt and sweat and his hair falling on his face, he was lying on the ground and Thor sobbed over his body. Then words echoed in my head. 

" You are going to hurt her, brother. You must come back for her." Thor's voice rang. 

I sat up again, my entire body soaked in sweat. I breathed in a raged gasps for breath. My heart beat against my chest in a fast rhythm. A tear rolled down my face. I was utterly confused. What was with all these nightmares, and why now? Why did they all involve Loki dying and the ugly giants? I finally regained my usual composure when i realized i was back to normal. I let out a relieved sigh at no longer being 15. i took in a deep breath with my eyes closed, and when they opened, i saw Loki walking into the room. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck while wrapping my legs around his torso. He quickly wrapped his arms around me as well and buried his beautiful face into my neck. His hot breath against my skin made me smile. i forced him to pull back and look at me. 

"Oh, god i missed you so much!" i said with both my hands cupping his face. I leaned forward and smashed my lips against his. He was shocked at first before he began kissing me back, just as passionately. I felt him pull my body closer to him, and now i was taller then him. Our lips finally parted and we both caught our breaths. 

" Well, i was going to tell you about how much i missed kissing you as well but it would seem you did not have the patience for my rambling," His silky voice said and i smiled from the blissfulness of the moment. " Although, must i say that you seem to always radiate beauty. It was very hard to contain myself, my love." He said his lips brushing against my neck. I shook my head at him. 

" You have no idea how much yesterday sucked. That gross pink hair, what was i even thinking!" i said taking in a heavy breath and rolling my eyes at my past self. Loki smiled his mischievous smile and laughed. He began moving towards the bathroom and i raised an eyebrow at him. Then he stopped in front of the mirror. At first i was caught up in how natural and comfortable i looked wrapped round him, how we looked like to puzzle pieces connected perfectly. Then i was caught up in his own radiating beauty and body. My eyes traveled up and to his chiseled body, taking a mental note of every divot and muscle. Then i looked at my own face and practically fainted. 

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