Chapter 6: The Picture of Kaitou

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Someone's POV
"Did you find any leads to Sherry's whereabouts?" He asked me, talking on the phone.

I was searching the computer for more information and the files we had in the office.
"Nothing yet, but I do have something interesting to show you, Boss," I said looking at a file of APTX4869 victims the drug Sherry created, including a certain person who is supposed to be dead according to Rum which resembles that little boy.

Haibara's POV (Before meeting Conan)
I can't ease this feeling I have in me that they are watching my every move. Since yesterday, I felt their presence when we were crossing the pedestrian line, not only were they onto me but also Kudou-kun! Should I tell him? But it will only worry him.

"Oh, Ai-kun. Aren't you going to school today? You're about to be late in meeting Shinichi," Agasa Hakase reminded me while I was watching for the others.

"I'm sort of waiting for the others to arrive," I told him. Well, it is true. I don't want to go on alone when they are nearby.

"If you meant Ayumi-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun, and Genta-kun, they are waiting for you outside," Hakase told me.

"Tell them that I'm ready. I didn't notice the kids since I was aware of them," I said as I followed after him. I have a bad premonition about this.

Later (Near Poirot)
"Ah, there's Conan-kun!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed, pointing where Kudou-kun was.

"You're right, Mitsuhiko-kun! And he's talking with Ran-neechan?" Ayumi asked, unsure.

"I'm not sure. He seems different around this young lady," I said, about to enter the Poirot store.

"Where are you going, Haibara-san?" Genta asked.

"I saw Sonoko-san and Sera-san leaving with Ran-san awhile ago. I'll get Edogawa-kun. You wait here," I ordered, entering the store.

Conan's POV
We reached school just in time and Kobayashi-sensei doesn't seem to be present yet and my lungs would likely explode from all the running. Usually the Detective Boys are on time to wait for me but today was different.

"Giri, giri safe (Barely made it safe)!" Mitsuhiko said, panting near our classroom.

Then we heard a few steps echoing in the hallway until it came to a halt revealing a kind teacher who had a striking resemblance to Officer Satou.

"Huh? Edogawa-kun, Haibara-san, Yoshida-san, Kojima-kun, and Tsubaraya-kun, what are you all doing out here?" She asked, looking at us.

" be late, Kobayashi-sensei," Genta breathlessly told her, gasping for air.

"How about we go inside, ne?" Kobayashi-sensei asked, tilting her head with a smile curling up on her face.

"Hai," and we all went inside.

"Ohayo, Kobayashi-sensei!" The whole class greeted her.

"Ohayo, minna-san!" She greeted back as we went to our seats.

"This morning, I want everyone to pair up with their seatmate and participate in an activity I would have each of you do with the set of materials you have, like for example you can draw a figure of someone or something you love or adore, write a poem about a particular object, or paint a picture. Today we are going to have English Class and this will also to your Arts grade. Do you all understand?" Kobayashi-sensei asked. "I have asked Wakasa-sensei to monitor you."

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