Chapter 5: Ran's Image and Aoko's Eyes

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Conan's POV
Shinichi! Shinichi! There you are I was looking all over for you!

Would you stop it with the 'Shinichi' already? I'm telling you I'm not him!

I'm really sorry!

Ran! Ran! There you are! I was looking all over for you! I promised Kaa-san that we should go home-


What's wrong, Ran? Why are you crying?

Hmph! So you're that Shinichi? Can you tell that girl not to confuse me with you again?

Why are you acting like that? I didn't do anything to you! Let's go, Ran!

Why was Ran crying? I thought as I got up from bed and yawned. Is there any connection between him and me? I take a shower to get ready for school but I can't seem to get it off my mind as I change to wear a red shirt and green navy shorts. I put on my glasses and watch around my wrist and my red sneakers on my feet after I have worn my socks.

"Ohayo, Ran-neechan," I greeted her while she was preparing the food.

"Ohayo, Conan-kun," she greeted me back with a smile.

"Where are Kazuha-neechan and Hattori- I mean Heiji-niichan?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"If you mean Kazuha-chan, she went downstairs to the agency to wake Hattori-kun up," she said, bringing maki and ramen to the table. "Can you set the bowls on the table?"

"Yes, I will!" I said, going to the kitchen and got a small chair to get the bowls and chopsticks.

As I headed towards the table, Kazuha and Hattori gently opened the door.

"Ohayo, Kazuha-neechan!" I greeted her but I glared at Hattori.

"Ohayo, Conan-kun!" Kazuha returned my greeting as I heard Uncle walk into the dining room.

"Ohayo, Uncle!" I greeted him as he sat down with us around the table.

"Hmm... Why are you so cheerful today?" He asked, giving me a stern look.

I was about to answer him when Hattori cut me off.

"No, he isn't! Ku- Conan-kun glared at me today! Ow!"

"No, I didn't!" I denied it while stepping on Hattori's foot.

"Was it about last night, Conan-kun?" Ran asked, tilting her head at me.

"Oh, that's right! I think I heard Heiji and Conan-kun arguin' about somethin'," Kazuha added but I needed to stop them.

"Anyway, can we at least eat already? I'm hungry!"

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