Chapter 17: One Fateful Heist

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Jii's POV
When Bocchama entered the casino at 7:00 p.m., he had a scared expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Bocchama?" I asked him, worriedly.

"Akako gave Aoko the Angel's Tear necklace and Snake might go after it, and Tantei-kun has trouble with a dangerous Black Organization that shrunk him with a poison that was created by the little auburn girl that shrunk when she decided to end her life because of her older sister's death. What should I do, Jii-chan?" Bocchama asked, telling me his troubles.

"It's your decision to tell him the truth, Bocchama," I replied, perplexed.

"Tantei-kun doesn't trust me, but Hakuba is on his side. I need to get near them somehow. Since there are 3 days before Christmas, what do you think about presenting them a spectacular performance inside the castle?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with delight.

"I like the idea. What can I do to help, Bocchama?" I asked, interested.

"Can you go ahead as a cameraman, Jii-chan? I'll follow with Aoko and Nakamori-keibu in his police car," Bocchama decided, still keeping it as a secret.

"A magician must not spoil his tricks before his performance, huh? I got it, Bocchama," I said, understanding what he meant.

"I'll go get ready, Jii-chan. Ja ne," Bocchama added, existing the casino at 7:30 p.m.

"I'll see you there, Bocchama," I called, bowing my head respectively.

At the museum at 8:00, I saw 20 police and private helicopters,  Jirokichi-san and Sonoko-san with their bodyguards, Nakamori-keibu with half his men with pinches on their cheeks and some more to pinch, Aoko-san, Bocchama, and Akako-san.

Bocchama noticed me and asked a favor to help him with his magic trick.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Jii-chan," he told me, handing the materials.

"Leave it to me, Bocchama," I said, leaving to do my work at 9:30 p.m.

Conan's POV
When Hakuba-san, Hattori, and I returned to the agency at 8:50 p.m., I turned the knob of the door.

"I'm back, Ran-neechan!" Conan-kun called, cheerily.

"Okaori, Conan-kun. Are you ready?" I asked him, nicely.

"Hai," he replied, gladly.

"Konbawa, Hakuba-kun," Kazuha-chan and I greeted him, warmly.

"Konbawa, Ran-san, Kazuha-san," Hakuba-kun greeted us, meekly.

"These are for you two, Ran-neechan, Kazuha-neechan. Can you give this glove to Sonoko-neechan?" I asked them, giving 3 single gloves to wear on 1 hand.

"Sure, Conan-kun," Ran replied, receiving hers.

"Arigato, Conan-kun. What are you boys wearing on the left side of your ears?" Kazuha asked us, after thanking me.

"It's a unique trend, ne Ku-Conan-kun?" Hattori asked, glaring at me.

"That's right, Heiji-niichan!" I replied, nervously.

"Oi, Kudou! Kazuha might get the wrong idea!" He half whispered and half yelled at me, annoyed.

"It's your fault for switching Ran and Oji-san's Christmas presents for me and Youko-san and calling me 'Kudou-neesan,' Baro!" I returned, irritably.

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