Chapter 7: Porsche 356A

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Conan's POV
We were doing our Physical Education (PE) in the soccer field while playing soccer when some children picked up a topic I never thought hearing which made me almost wish my ears heard wrong.

"Have you seen that car before?" One boy asked.

"I don't know but the color was black and it was very shiny," One girl replied.

I saw Haibara frozen in her spot when she heard 'black' as I went near to the group of children.

"Ne, Kimitachi (You guys)! Where have you seen this black car?" I asked, my voice steady, trying not to panic.

"It was outside the school grounds when I was heading towards the soccer field," another boy answered.

I nodded at Haibara which she understood and we ran to the school grounds. Please tell me that wasn't a Porsche 356A!

"Oi, Conan, Haibara! Taku!" I heard Genta shout our names but we wanted to make sure that wasn't what we thought it was.

When Haibara and I reached the spot the kid told me where the black car was, we saw its retreating figure as we hid behind a tree. Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko didn't see what happened when they went near us.

"Conan-kun, Ai-chan! Why did you run off?" Ayumi asked, running out of breath.

"Get down!" Haibara hissed in a whisper, not so loud as they did so.

I made sure that the coast was clear. I heaved a sigh as the tension faded but Haibara didn't let her guard down.

"If that black car interests you that much, it's time for the Detective Boys to shine!" Mitsuhiko declared.

"Yeah!" Ayumi and Genta agreed.

"That's not an option! What if you're dealing with a serial killer! You could get yourselves killed!" I growled at them, the tension overcoming me once more. Seriously, don't they know it's dangerous to follow Gin?

"Conan-kun, you're being kawai (scary)!"  Ayumi squeked, hiding behind Genta.

"Look what you did, Conan-kun!" Mitsuhiko said, defending Ayumi.

"Gomene (I'm sorry), Ayumi-chan," I apologized, looking at the ground.

"I agree with Edogawa-kun. You can't just go off on your own!" Haibara snapped, siding with me.

"You're being unfair, Haibara-san!" Genta shouted, putting his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.

"No, it's fine, Genta-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun. I'll go home first. I forgive you, Conan-kun," Ayumi said, heading back to school to get her stuff, not looking back at me.

Hontoni gomen (I'm really sorry). I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought, watching Ayumi leave.

"Then I'll go ahead, too. See you tomorrow at school, Conan-kun, Haibara-san, and Genta-kun," Mitsuhiko said in a cracking voice, leaving us behind.

"If Ayumi will not come tomorrow, it's all your fault, Conan!" Genta blamed me, leaving me and Haibara behind.

"I'm sorry about what happened, Haibara," I apologized bitterly, holding back the tears that threaten to fall from my blue azure eyes.

"It's okey, Kudou-kun. You did the right thing to protect them. Let's go home. I'll tell you about it," said Haibara, comforting me as we went back inside to change our PE clothes and head home.

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