Chapter 14: Warning To Come

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Conan's POV
"Ran-neechan invited you two to join us for dinner, Akako-neechan, Saguru-niichan, and may I speak with you in private?" I asked, whispering to them.

"We would love to, ne Saguru?" Akako-san asked, turning to her koibito.

"Why, of course, milady," Hakuba agreed, playing with her.

We went to a restaurant to eat dinner while Aoko-san, Kuroba, and Nakamori-keibu went home. I told Ran, Kazuha, and Oji-san to go ahead without me and Hattori and that we would follow in Hakase's car.

After that, Akako-san, Hakuba, Hakase, Hattori, Haibara, and I went to a separate room.

"I decided to trust you, Akako-san, Hakuba. Can you keep this conversation as a secret from the others, including Kuroba and Aoko-san?" I asked, my expression serious.

"Doshte, Conan-kun?" Akako-san asked, feigning innocence.

Hmm? Akako-san's good at pretending she doesn't know anything about earlier. I thought, making eye contact with her.

"What's he talking about, Akako-san?" Hakuba asked, looking at me then her.

"You were suspicious of me being Kudou Shinichi desho, Hakuba? When Aoko-san mentioned the cute mark 'X' for girls, I replied in a nervous tone since I thought she found me out," I continued, revealing myself to them.

"It really IS you, Kudou-kun, but how-" Hakuba was interrupted by his kanajo from his realization.

"What do you want us to do, Kudou-kun?" Akako-san asked, skeptically.

"If you knew that the Black Organization is after Haibara and me, then I shall tell you my story, Akako-san," I replied then narrated to them what happened to me from the amusement park at Tropical Land to how I began living with Ran and her father to catch the men in black who shrank me with a poison that should've killed me, then showed them the gadgets Hakase made for my infant form to solve cases and catch the criminals, including 'Sleeping Kogoro' until I met Haibara whose name was Miyano Shiho who once work for that organization as a scientist but later revolted against them when she heard her older sister Miyano Akemi, was shot to death and swallowed the pill that would kill her but shrank her like I did and now living with us as an elementary school girl, then I numerated other people who knew my true identity, except Vermouth.

When I was finished, they were speechless.

"Soka. That's what happened to you," Hakuba spoke up, breaking the silence with pity in his voice.

"Before you two leave, how did you come to suspect me being Kudou Shinichi, Akako-san?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and making the others turn to her.

"When you asked Saguru if I was his kanajo, I began to suspect you, Kudou-kun. Being in a childish form, you could've asked 'Who's that girl with you, Saguru-niichan' or 'What's your name, Onee-chan,' desho?" She added, making me realize my mistake.

She got me. I thought, smiling knowingly.

"I was observing both of your outfits, then concluded that Akako-san and Hakuba were walking home from a date, desho?" I deduced, watching their faces turn red from embarrassment.

"It's not like that, Kudou-kun!" Both of them protested, causing Hattori to snicker at Hakuba.

"Looks like someone's paying attention to details that would later expose him, ne Kudou-kun?" Haibara asked, twitching an eyebrow at me.

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