Chapter 10: Gomenasai

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(Note: Gomene is 'I'm sorry,' Hontoni gomen is 'I'm really sorry,' and Gomenasai is 'I'm really sorry in Niponggo (Japanese)

Ran's POV
We were in Oto-san's room and I carried Conan-kun inside. Hattori-kun fixed his futon (beddings), Kazuha-chan went to get the thermometer to check how high Conan-kun's fever was, and I laid him on his futon, removing his glasses carefully as I wiped sweat off his face with a clean, white cloth.

Conan-kun was breathing heavily, muttered words were coming from his mouth but I couldn't hear it, then he had tears in his eyes, and his hands were clenching.

After that, he began to breathe normally. We waited for him to wake up, and I silently prayed to Kami-sama (God) when I feared Conan-kun wouldn't wake up.

If you're listening to me, Kami-sama, onegai (please) bring Conan-kun back to me. Mayo Shimashte (Open your Eyes)!

Like a miracle, Conan-kun opened his eyes and woke up which made me irresistibly hug him tight.

"Can't... breathe, Ran-neechan," he managed to say when I released him from the hug to make sure I heard him.

"Gomene for squeezing you, Conan-kun," I apologized to him.

"It's okey, Ran-neechan. Gomene for scaring you like that. Hehe," he chucked after apologizing, making me sigh in relief.

"Oi, Ku-Conan-kun! I heard that you're awake. I thought ya ain't ganna see the light of day!" Hattori-kun joked, ruffling Conan-kun's hair.

"Stop that, Hattori- I mean Heiji-niichan!" Conan-kun complained, removing Hattori-kun's hand.

"That ain't funny, Heiji! Conan-kun only fainted from fatigue!" Kazuha-chan scolded him.

"How long was I out?" Conan-kun asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"About 3 hours at- Ite (Ow)!" Hattori-kun was cut off when he received a headbutt from Conan-kun.

"3 hours!? That hurts, Hattori!" Conan-kun snapped while rubbing his head, then looked at me.

"What time is it, Ran-neechan?" He asked.

"It's 11:00 p.m., Conan-kun," I replied, looking at my phone.

"Where is Sera-neechan?" He asked, scanning us for her.

"If you're looking for Sera-chan, she went back to the hotel she's staying, Conan-kun," I replied and then he nodded.

"Where is Oji-san?" Conan-kun asked, noticing Oto-san wasn't with us.

"If you're looking fer Occhan, he went downstairs to the agency tellin' us to wake him up after ya," Kazuha informed him.

"Speakin' of that old man, I'm goin' downstairs ta wake him up then I'll get myself some ice!" Hattori-kun declared, heading towards the door.

"I'll come, too, Heiji!" Kazuha volunteered, following him.

It was only me and Conan-kun in this room. Might be a good time to ask him.

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