Chapter 2: Meeting Place

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Author's Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan/Case Closed and Magic Kaito 1412. So enjoy the chapter.
Conan's POV
The meeting was held in a building filled with police officers, detectives, and inspectors from different divisions and prefectures. The leader is Inspector Ginzou Nakamori since he has been trying to capture Kid for 23 years ago or so I learned from searching about him before when I realized that Dad was chasing him back then, and he resurrected after 8 years.

"Oh, Ran-kun! Conan-kun! Mouri-kun! You made it just in time!" Inspector Megure called, approaching us.

"Good evening, Inspector-dono. I heard the meeting would be held here in the police headquarters, since he's challenging us with the last statement, even a great detective to see through my trick," Uncle said, recalling the notice.

That's true. He didn't have to include 'even for a great detective' in his notice, because other detectives think it's referring to them. What's he planning this time? I thought.

"As for that, I will have Satou and Takagi escort you to the room," Inspector Megure said, calling Satou-keiji and Takagi-keiji to lead us.

"We'll show you where it is, ne, Satou-san?" Takagi-keiji asked.

"Especially for this young man," Satou-keiji replied, patting my head.

As we walked along the corridor, I held Ran's hand and entered the meeting room. There was a table at the center with microphones on top and a whiteboard on the wall left to the table. Everything else were other seats in rows and each section aligned with tables.

There were a few unfamiliar faces as I looked around like those teens with Inspector Nakamori but one person caught my attention. Hakuba?

"Saguru-niichan!" I called him.

"Oh Conan-kun, you made it!" Came the reply as we greeted each other.

"It's nice to see you again, Hakuba-kun!" Ran greeted, following behind me.

"Hakuba-kun, are they your friends?" A girl asked, who almost looked exactly like Ran, with her hair a little messy accompanied with her locks.

"Oh, excuse us for not introducing ourselves. Watashi wa (My name is) Mouri Ran and over there is my dad Mouri Kogoro," she introduced herself, then referring to the man talking with Inspector Nakamori.

"You mean 'Sleeping Kogoro? That great detective? It's nice to meet you, Ran-san. Watashi wa Nakamori Aoko," She introduced herself.

"Nakamori? Are you Inspector Nakamori's daughter?" Ran asked, excitement in her voice.

"Yes, I am. And this boy is?" She asked, looking at me.

"Boku wa (My name is) Edogawa Conan. It's a pleasure to meet you, Onee-chan (Older Sister)!" I introduced myself to her.

"Edogawa Conan? Are you the Kid Killer I hear about from my father?" She asked.

"Hai (Yes)!" I answered her.

"I met them when we were invited at Sunset Mansion with 5 other famous detectives from an invitation to solve a mystery from Kaitou Kid but it turned out to be Senya-san, and I met Conan-kun with Hattori Heiji at the Lavender case. It's too bad Hattori isn't here," Hakuba added.

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