Chapter 12: Identity Figured Out

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Kaitou's POV
When I was going home from school, I wondered where Aoko was until I got a text message.

I'm waiting for you in Shibuya, Kaitou. Come quickly.


I blushed after reading the message. What's Aoko doing in Shibuya.

Since I've gone with her there before, I quickly quickened my pace.

When I got to Shibuya, there was a surprising number of people and incoming police officers, Ran-san, Mouri-san, Kazuha-san, Hattori-kun, Megure-keibu, Takagi-keiji, Satou-keiji, and Nakamori-keibu. Did something happen?

As I excused myself through the people and told one of the guards to let me in, telling them that I'm a friend of Nakamori-keibu's daughter, I saw Aoko, Akako, Hakuba, and to my surprise, Tantei-kun was there! I have a bad feeling about this!

"What are you doing here, Kuroba-kun?" Hakuba asked, coming towards me.

"Aoko texted me to come here," I replied, showing him the evidence.

"I'll tell Aoko-san that you're here now. Come," he said, motioning me to come nearer and he left to tell Aoko.

"I was so scared, Kaitou! There's a dead body over there, and Hakuba-kun told me to call Oto-san," Aoko cried, hugging me, and I rubbed her back to comfort her.

"It's okey, Aoko. I'm here," I replied, soothing her.

"I was the one who called the police with Akako-san to help me prevent people from leaving the store, but Conan-kun here was the first to arrive at the crime scene and checked the victim's pulse," Hakuba reported to me, coolly.

I glanced at Tantei-kun and caught him frowning at me then looking away. Not pleased to see me? Doshte (Why)?

"It looks like we meet again, Kuroba!" Hattori exclaimed, irritated.

"Until Friday, that is," I replied, flashing a cocky smirk.

"Gomene about yesterday, Kuroba-kun, for judging you" Kazuha apologized.

"I learned to live with it, Kazuha-san. Don't worry about it," I replied, forgiving her.

"You'll be there on Friday, too, Kuroba-kun?" Ran asked, looking at me.

"Indeed, Ran-san," I replied, smiling at her.

"Fancy meeting you here, Kuroba-kun," Akako complimented, purring at me.

"It's mere coincidence, Akako," I told her, annoyed, while she was walking towards me.

"Be on the lookout, Kuroba-kun. Your precious rival is headed towards misery," Akako whispered, cautioning me.

"Meitantei-kun is? What do you mean by-?" I was about to ask until an unexpected voice came from behind us.

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