Chapter 21: The Unveiled Truth

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Shiho's POV
After all the torture they gave me, I was forced to perfect the antidote for Kudou-kun in the lab so that he won't transform into a child again during the first half. I had to create other drugs ordered by Ano Kata then brought back to my cell the second half of the previous day with a guard standing by.

Being back here brought painful memories to me about my Onee-chan's death and the punishment from Ano Kata that day when I rebelled against them.

Personally, Bourbon or Amuro-san posts a great threat to me. I don't know why Kudou-kun has a friendly atmosphere with him. Kir gives food and clean clothes when she informs the guard which is unusual and annoying to me.

Once, Kir visited me to have a private talk and checked if anyone followed her. She then tells the guard that it was to punish me. It was her way of being mean to me in front of everyone. When we're alone, she becomes friendly to me and said that I can trust her.

"Give me a good reason why I should trust you?" I asked her, irritably.

"Okay. Frankly, I don't know much about you or the pain of losing your Onee-chan, Shiho-san. I overheard that from Gin saying that he would rather kill you like he did with Akemi-san after this organization did the same with your parents. When I left my brother and went to America with our father to join CIA, I thought he would never forgive me for that. Oto-san had a mission to infiltrate the Black Organization assigned by the CIA. Your organization found out about it and Oto-san killed himself with a gun in front of me. I had to make up a story that I bit his hand, took his gun, and shot him to death. I changed my name from Hondou Hidemi to Mizunashi Rena. It was good to see my brother again. Eisuke texted me that he was going to America for training in CIA," Kir narrated her story, smiling a little.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, confused.

"Let's just say I'm on the same side as you are," she replied, winking at me.

When I looked at Rena-san, her eyes told me the truth. Maybe we are the same.

"I should get going. Gin might become suspicious of me again," She said, getting up. "Take care, Shiho-san."

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