Chapter 4: News Spread Out

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Author's Disclaimer: Detective Conan/Case Closed and Magic Kaito 1412 are not mine. They belong to Gosho Aoyoma. I only own the plot.
Kaitou's POV (Same day)
Oh there it is! News about my next heist! I grinned as I looked at the newspaper.

"Kaitou! Kaitou! Are you listening, Kaitou!" A rather unpleasant voice interrupted my peace.

My name is Kuroba Kaitou, a magician extraordinaire. I am 18 years old since my birthday on June 21 and a student at Ekota High School.

My father is Kuroba Toichi, a famous magician who died in an accident 8 years ago when a group of men working for Snake in an organization tampered with his stunt of trying to escape from being strapped to a roller coaster ride.

I discovered that he was the former phantom thief 'Kaitou Kid' when I came across a hidden door in his room. I was 17 that time.

In order to find those who killed him, I sought to unravel the mysteries under the disguise of Kaitou Kid to steal the jewels that hold the Pandora, the so-called stone that gives immortality to man. If it isn't, I'd return them to the police.

Konosuke Jii, my grandfather, assists me in my heists and is always troubled for my safety like the time I was almost caught during my clock tower heist. I couldn't forget that memory. I met him when I was in a magic show my father performed in when he used levitation on the chair he was sitting in midair.

My mother is Kuroba Chikage, previously known as Phantom Lady. This means she was a thief in the past and exposed the crimes of embezzlement.

I looked up at my childhood friend in annoyance. "What is it, Aoko?" I asked.

I met Nakamori Aoko, my childhood friend and classmate at Ekota High, when she was waiting for her father in front of the clock tower 10 years ago when we were 7 years old and presented her with a blue rose.

"Here I am trying to greet you 'good morning' and you never paid any attention to me, Bakaito!" Aoko snapped, her voice torturing my eardrums.

"Of course I was listening, Ahoko! I'm reading it right now!" I growled at her. "Besides, you were trying to feed me fish again, you know!"

"That's because you saw it yesterday!" Aoko said, agitated.

"It, you say? Oh I get it! You mean-" but I was caught off by her mop. This is because I flip her skirt constantly to check what the color of her panty when I use my magic tricks on her and tease her about her father when she threatens me with her mop.

"Don't you dare even say it!" Aoko threatened me with her mop.

"My, my, the saying that goes 'the more you fight, the closer you get! Keep that up and you might end up together," Akako teased, smiling creepily at me.

Koizumi Akako, a female witch who can produce dark magic and a fellow classmate. She knows my identity as Kaitou Kid when she saw I had no interest in becoming her slave when I was not enthralled by her charms and warns me with her predictions.

"It's not like that, Akako!" Both me and Aoko protested, but there was a hue of pink blush hinting on our faces.

"Am I wrong? It's cute when you two blush, Kuroba-kun and Nakamori-san~!" Akako said in a singsong voice.

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