Chapter 8: Security System

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Ran's POV
"You're very quiet, Conan-kun. Did something happen at school?" I asked  Conan, sitting next to me in the rental car.

"We had a fight, Ran-neechan," replied Conan, slightly looking at me.

"You brat, Ran is asking politely and you're not paying attention to her," Sonoko scowled at him, twitching an eyebrow.

"Settle down, Sonoko! I'm sure Conan-kun has his reasons," I said, calming my best friend down.

"Fine!" Sonoko said, letting it go.

"Why did you fight today, Conan-kun?" I asked, turning my attention back to Conan.

"I shouted at Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko," Conan confessed in a low voice that only I could hear.

We were in the middle half of the rental car and I was on the left side of Conan where he got the window seat. I was in between Conan and Sonoko and Sera-chan and Kazuha-chan were at the back. Oto-san was at the front driving the car and Heiji was in the passenger seat.

"What's this about a fight, Ku-Conan-kun?" Heiji asked, with that slipup.

"None of your business, He-i-ji-niichan!" Conan replied in a teasing tone, spelling out the syllables in his name which made the us girls giggle.

"Here's the Detective Samonji series you asked," Hattori-kun said in an annoyed tone, showing the book from his bag and handing it Conan.

Conan received the book and replied in a low happy tone, "Arigato, Heiji-niichan."

I smiled at this when Conan finally cheered up. Still, I wonder why Conan-kun shouted at them.

Conan's POV
When we arrived at the museum, the place was huge.

"Sugoi (Awesome)!" Kazuha exclaimed.

There were glass windows on the walls that were painted green and a golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling which was painted red. The floor was made of pure marble and could be slippery when people are not wearing shoes that could withhold friction not to slip. In the center of the platform was the Moonlight Dream in a glass case on a single podium with a flat surface and guarded with Inspector Nakamori's men. The museum was two stories tall and it was almost like my Kudou Mansion and there were stairs going up. The door was divided into two and there locks like in the Middle Ages. It had two verandas on two windows on the second floor that lets you see the forest and the river. There were other doors like the Fire Exit and fire alarm in case of fires, sprinklers were on the ceiling to distinguish the fire, Emergency stairs, elevators on the wall with a basement, up, down, and rooftop buttons. There were also cameras on the top levels of the wall, metal detectors to scan any suspicious objects like in the terminals, and power systems should a blackout occur. It could be peaceful, quiet, and it would soon be crowded with people or cameramen on Friday. The  restrooms were down the hallway with vents that lead to the basement with paralyzing laser sensors and the scenery would be perfect for sightseeing. Aoko and Kaitou were there with Inspector Ginzo Nakamori and Saguru.

I miss my home if I wasn't stuck in this body! I thought, observing the details of the museum.

"I'm glad you could make it, Mouri-kun!" Uncle Jirokichi said, greeting us.

"You too, Jirokichi-san. It's good to see you!" Uncle said, shaking his hand.

"Ne, Uncle Jirokichi. How does the security system work?" I asked, calling his attention.

"I want to know about, too." Sera said in a serious tone.

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