Chapter two

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Chapter two

I couldnt get that stupid excited smile off my face all day.

I didnt end up getting to serve him, which I guess was alright. I still could'nt stop thinking about him though.

Once my shift was over I grabbed my phone to see if there was any text's from him.

To my suprise there was! My stomach felt like it was doing backflips as i went to see what the message said.

"Hey Christina It's Niall (: , just wonderin if you would like to go to a club with me and some of my friends after your shift? xx"

A club? oh boy.. this is gonna be great.

"Yes ! Absolutly! , which one? (: Xx"

He texted me back within a minute which made me smile even bigger.

"Club Roso. I can pick you up if you like? (:"

YES! fingers say yes! this is going so well!

"Sure! What time will you be there? :)"

"hmm nine? :)XX"

"Okay! See you soon! :) xx"

I only had an hour to get ready.

I sped all the way home making sure I didnt run into any body else, and raced up the stairs to get ready.

I looked through my closet and decided on a white baggy t-shirt with my jean short shorts.

I tucked the bottom of my shirt into my pants and was happy with the way it turned out.

I put a little more makeup on to make my eyes pop and decided to leave my waves the way they were.

After I got ready I ran down the stairs to find a note on my fridge.

" Hey honey going out tonight on a date! Might not see you until sometime tomorrow! Do whatever.


Okay cool. House to myself. I always love that.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and i open the door to see niall wearing a sexy button up shirt with jeans. He was also holding roses.

"Hi" I said smiling like and idiot.

"Hello, you look lovley". He smiled back and handed me the roses.

"Thanks Niall".

I invited him in and put the roses quickly into a vase.

"Your house is very nice". He said looking around.

"Thank you , maybe some other time I can give you a tour?"

He looked at me and smiled widley.

"I'd like that".

I smiled back and he took my hand. I accepted it and we walked out.

This is going to be the best night ever.

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