Chapter six

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*Christina's P.O.V*

"Ummm, does this shirt make me look fat?". He blushed and smiled at me.

I took a step back and laughed. I looked him up and down. He looked fricken sexy.

"Oh honey, no , no way that shirts perfect on you." I said sarcastically.

He laughed and stared at me in the eyes.

"Well, Im hungry!" I said. I really was hungry, starving actually. Normally i would have eaten through the night.

"Me too! Lets go make some breakfast!". He said rubbing his tummy.

He walked about of his room but I ran into the bathroom to quickly look at myself.

To be honest I looked like I didnt even sleep, my makeup was still on and my hair was still perfectly wavy.. Weird. That never happens.

I skipped down the stairs to smell the sweet sensation of pancakes. MMMM

Niall was sitting there eating his panckaes with a whole wack of chocolate and syrup on it.

My kind of man.

I did the same and I started eating.

We both ate about 20 pancakes and I started to get full.

Just then the door bell rang. Yayy! Brook!

"ILL GET IT!", Louis yelled. Ohhhh yes. I cant wait to see what happens there.

*Louis P.O.V*

I ran to the door way to excited to see who it was.

When I opened the door the most beautiful girl I have ever seen stood infront of me.

She had medium short brown hair, green glossy eyes, and the most beautiful smile stuck on her face that anyone could ever have.

"Hello!", she chimmed. Her voice was so pretty.

"Hi.." I said in a daze I shook my head to get my self back to normal.

"Who are you love?"

"Brook". She said smiling again

Suddenly Christina and Niall came running towards the door.

"BROOK!!!!", Christina yelled. Okay so there friends... this is awesome! I want to get to know her more.

*Christinas P.O.V*

I could instantly tell by the look on louis face that he interested. He smiled even more and would occasionaly check her out. He was a little more hyper to.. if that was even possible.

Brook and Louis started talking about tree's for some really odd reason, when Niall pulled me to the side. "Lets go". He smiled dragging me to the door. I looked at my watch and realized it was already seven. Louis and Brook were flirting like crazy now and the other boys were downstairs playing dance central. It was so funny to watch.

"Where are we going ? .. i should probably tell Bro-.."

"They wont even noticed we left". He said smiling and taking me out the door.

Ahh niall .. where are you taking me?


"Put this on". Niall said handing me a pair of sunglasses with ducktape

I gave him a puzzled look and put them on.

"I cant see!".

He hugged me from the behind and started walking with me like that. It was already pitch black outside and I couldnt see anything!

"Niall! Are we there yet!"

"Yup! You can take them off!"

I took the sun glasses off of my face and gasped.

No ... no way


This is too good to be true.

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