Chapter seven

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* Christinas P.O.V*

Noo .. no way!

My mouth hung open and my eys grew wide.

"Niall..." I said in shock

"Lets go". He said taking my hand.

At the end of a dock sat a white sail boat. Hanging from it were circular lights that drapped down making everything so romantic. There was even a little table set up in the middle with food on it. Rose petals were spread across the floor everywhere. I couldnt believe my eyes!

Niall helped me on board and we sat down.

"Uhhh... I dont know how to drive one of these things.. so were just gonna sit in it". He chuckled.

"Niall ... this is so amazing." I said still in aw.

"Just like you." He said smiling at me.

I smiled back and he gestured for me to sit down.

This by far is THE most romantic date I have ever been on.

We ate are food and we stood up, I sat on the ledge of the boat smiling widley at Niall.

"Ill be right back", he went into a small little room and came back up with his guitar.

He sat down on a chair and started strumming.

I could feel my eyes starting to water, I couldnt believe it. This is so romantic. He is the greatest guy ever. I totally love him.

"I've tried playing it cool, but when i'm looking at you, I cant ever be brave, cuz you make my heart race."

He started singing to me.

Where did i hear that song before?

Oh well it doesnt matter . He was singing to ME . and i wanted this moment to be perfect.

"Shot me out of the sky, your my kryptonite..."

He ended the song and put his guitar down.

"Niall that was be-..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


I smiled at him and looked right into his blue , blue eyes.

"Yes, Niall yes."

He leaned in at kissed me. So passionatly.

I kissed him back with the same amount of passion. The kiss started to get deeper and depper in passion. When of course my luck comes in place and we both fall into the water.

We both came up gasping for air from laughing so hard.

Niall grabbed onto me and started kissing me again. We were making out in the ocean.

This night couldnt get any better.

Once we stopped kissing Niall grabbed my hand and pulled my on the boat again handing me a towel. Then we decided to leave.

That was the best date I have ever had. And I had it all with the guy of my dreams.


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