Chapter 11

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*Christina's P.O.V*

"Christina.... I'm not ready to go that far yet. Ive always said I would wait until i'm married. You're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen.. But I'm not ready to take it this far yet. I'm so sorry I led you on.".

Niall looked at me with apologetic eyes.

I didnt know what to say. I wasnt angry.. it was actaully kinda cute.

This made me trust him even more.

"Niall.. its okay, you dont have to explain I understand. Thank you for being honest with me." I smiled at him.

He thanked me and we went to go get changed.

I was ready before Niall because he went to clean up his shampoo mess.

I walked down the stairs and was startled by loud snores.

What the hell?

I turned the corner and saw Louis and Brook both sleeping hanging off the couch. This was to funny

Louis was holding onto Brooks leg and had his upper body on the couch and he was kneeling on the ground. While Brook... oh Brook... She was face down on the floor with her legs on the couch. She even had a little puddle of drool.

I took a picture and laughed as i walked into the kitchen.

I walked in and Harry was leaning against the counter holding a cup of tea.

"Goodmorning Christina.". Harry smiled at me.

"Goodmorning! Look at the picture I took of Louis and Brook!!". I giggled.

I showed him and he started laughing really loud.

Niall came in and went straight for the fridge.

He took out a huge box of left over nandos and started eating it.

I laughed and showed him the picture.

He fell on the floor holding his stomach laughing.

Man does he laugh a lot!

Suddenly Louis walked in rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?". He yawned. Harry, Niall and I all looked at each other and started laughing.

He looked confused. He just shrugged his shoulders and went back into the living room.

*Nialls P.O.V*

Man was I ever excited for today.

I was going to take Christina on a football date. She said that she loves football and plays it all the time!

Although she calls it "soccer".

When I woke up this morning, christina and I almost had sex.

I dont know what came over me.

It just seemed like the right time and place for it.

But i wasnt ready.

I honestly think Christinas the one.

But I might wait a while before I pop the question.

I love her so much.

And I think on our date tonight.. I'm going to tell her how I really feel.

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