Chapter four

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Hey guys sorry it took forever! Enjoy :)

*Nialls P.O.V*

When I saw Christina with that drunk, i wanted to strangle him. I'm not Christina's boyfriend or anything, but I felt protective over her. I immediatly dropped are drinks not caring they spilled all over the floor, and ran towards Christina. I wanted to rip his face off.

Christina saw me and screamed my name, which made me run faster. I ripped his arms off her and yelled, "BACK OFF MAN." He just shrugged. What kind of guy is this? He went to find another girl. Jerk.

Christina looked up and me and thanked me. She looked like she was about to cry. I couldnt see her like that, it made me feel sad inside aswell.

"No worries, lets go somewhere else before that happens again.", i said easily.

She nodded, I took her hand and we pushed through the crowd.

We decided going back to my house, I had no idea what we were going to do. The boys were gonna wonder where we went. I hope they liked her. I really really hope they do. I know shes the one, deep down fireworks go off when i see her face. We are so much alike and we would go well together.

Just then my phone buzzed. I looked to see it was Zayn.

"Hey man, just thought I'd let you know I really like Christina and so do the other boy's. I saw you guys take off and thought I would leave you to it. Cya around man."

I smiled instantly with every word. At the corner of my eye I saw Christina with a curious face staring at me.

We pulled into mine and the boy's drive way and parked. I looked over at Christina and smiled. She really was beautiful. I cant believe weve known each other for less then a day, but it feels like we have known each other for years.

She looked at me with her big eyes that sparkled. My hormones were taking control of me and I leaned into kiss her. NIAll ! what are you thinking! shes not gonna kiss you back! But wait.. She's leaning in to. Oh my gosh.


After we kissed I felt fireworks going off all over my body. I really liked this girl.

I got out and opened the door for her. She smiled at me and got out.  How did I end up meeting the most beautiful girl ever?

I closed her door and was startled when she ran up and pulled me into a tight hug. I love hugs, I hug everyone I can. But for her to be a hugger to? What else could I ask for? Shes perfect.

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