Chapter 13

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*Christina's P.O.V*

Niall took me to a soccer feild.

Oh. My. God

I love soccer. Soccer is my passion. Literally the only thing I do.

I looked at him and smiled widley.

I ran up to him and kissed him passionatly. "Thank you".

I whispered in his ear.

"Anything for my princess". He smiled

We played soccer all night long.

I won ... of course. (;

And then he took me to an ice cream parlor.

We walked around town for a while talking and singing.

When suddenly two screaming girls ran up to Niall.


"Run". Niall yelled as we dashed away to his car.

Thirty girls were following us screaming and shouting horrible things about me.

Once we were in the car I looked at Niall with curiosity and anger.

"Niall... why were girls chasing you like that?'.

"...I thought .... I thought you knew. Im so sorry I never told you. I honestly thought you knew!".

I looked at him curiously.

"Knew what?".

My eye brows furrowed.

I hated it when people kept secrets from me.

"The boys and I are in a band... One direction.".

*Harry's P.O.V*

Okay Harry... do what Christina said. Just talk to her about it.

I walked up to Louis room figuring Brook would be in there. When I heard Louis ask Brook to be his girlfriend.


I punched the wall.

God damn it that hurt!

Im definatly not talking to her about that now.

Damn it Lou. He always gets the good ones.

*Nialls P.O.V*

I thought she knew!

how did she not know!

I told her about the band.

She looked pretty upset.

I apologized a million times.

She looked over at me and smiled gently.

"I forgive you . Now give me a Horan hug." She smiled.

I gave her the biggest hug I have ever given anybody before.

She was so speacial. I cant believe I almost ruined are relationship.

I cant let her go.

I wont let her go.

Not trying to sound like a creeper or anything. But,,

I love her.

*Christina's P.O.V*

After I hugged Niall, He kissed me. Making every moment spectacular.

He moved back and smiled at me.

"Christina. I love you."

Did he just say that?

Did he JUST say that!




I love you too!

Say it!

"I love you too". I smiled.

He smiled even wider and started driving us home.

Once we got home he took me into his room.

"Hey, Christina...".

"Yes Nialler?".

"You know how I said I was going to wait until I was married?".

My heart dropped.

Oh my gosh.

This is it


"Well.... That doesnt mean we cant.... fool around."

He winked at me.

He suddenly pushed me onto his bed slamming his lips into mine.

Are hands explored every inch of our bodies and are lips danced in perfect rythym.

He took his shirt off and I took mine off.

He looked me up and down and smirked making me blush.

And then he continued kissing me.

We did this for hours making sure we didnt go all the way.

What a perfect way, to end a perfect night, With my perfect boyfriend.

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