Chapter 19

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*Christinas P.O.V.*

When I woke up we just landed at our destination. ITALY!

Oh my god. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

We got off the plane, grabbed our bags and headed off to our hotel. It was pretty late here..

Niall and I walked hand in hand into the hotel and my jaw dropped the second we entered. It . was. HUGE! The most beautiful hotel I have ever been in!

Room for Niall Horan please. Niall smiled at the lady at the front desk.

She gave me the creeps, She had pin point perfect straight red hair and eyes as big as the moon. Her nails were long and pointy and she clucked her fingers on the keyboard really loudly.

Heres your key sir. Enjoy your stay.

Niall grabbed my hand again as well as the key and we took an elevator up to our room.

It was on the top floor, floor sixteen to be exact!

He opend the door and my mouth dropped again. This was a room.... a room suited for like a queen!

The roof was so high up... and the floors... oh the floors... they were so pretty! Everything! The bed was huge! The tv was huge!! Ill let you use your imagination for what it looks like... but its magnificent!

Babe im just gonna go take a quick shower, Ill be back in a jiffy.

Niall ran off into the bathroom.

Suddenly... I had .. I had an urge. A strange urge... one that I never really had before..

My feet started to move and I walked towards the bathroom.

I started to take my clothes off and walked into the bathroom with Niall.

Christina? Is that you love?

Niall called from the shower.

Yes, I was wondering... Could I join you?

Niall poked his head out of the shower curtain and winked at me.

I dont see why not.

*Brooks P.O.V.*

Louis pushed me against the wall and started kissing me down my neck. He started sucking on my soft spot and I let out a small moan.

I kicked open his door and he pushed me down onto his bed.

I unbuttoned his shirt and he did the same to me.

I cant believe Louis is all mine. Mine to hold... mine to kiss.. mine to love. I know that he loves me back just as much as I love him.

After we signed all the papers me and Lou went down to a bar... Were pretty wasted.

Louis was taking my pants off now. I started to suck on his soft spot and he let out a big moan.

Then . It went black.


The next morning I woke up really confused.

Louis was beside me snoring loudly and the room was a disaster.

Then I suddenly felt like I had to puke.

I ran to the washroom and started puking my guts out.

Welcome to the wonderful world of having a hangover.

After I finished my puke fest I put some clothes on and crawled back into bed.

I turned the tv on and started watching my favorite show Criminal Minds.

Half way through the show Louis woke up. He sat up and looked really pale.

Are you alright?

I asked him worridley.

He stood up really quick and ran to the bathroom as well.

I ran after him and he started puking to.

After he was finshed we both crawled back into bed and decided to have a take er easy day.

I wonder how Christina and Niall were holding up?

*Christinas P.O.V.*

The next morning Niall took me to a cute little cafe and then for a walk around a cute little park.

He stopped near a bench and Niall smiled widley at me.


He got down on one knee.

I love you, so much. You mean everything to me. Your the girl ive been waiting to meet. I want to be with you forever.

Christina May Davidson, Will you marry me??

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