Chapter 21

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*Brooks P.O.V.*

No. No I cant be... I cant be pregnant!!

I felt my eyes begin to water and I looked up at Lou. He pulled me into a tight hug and didnt let go. I soon noticed that everyone came together swallowing me into a big group hug. Once everyone stopped hugging they slowly went to their rooms and left Lou and I alone.

Brook. Its fine, were going to have our own happy little family ! Louis smiled at me.

I couldnt help but smile at his remark. He was so cute. Hes going to be the greastest Dad ever.

That sounds amazing. I smiled back at him.

Louis picked me up bridal style and carried me up into his room, where I fell asleep rather quickly.


1 month later

Brook!! Common!!! We need to try on dresses now!! Christina yelled at me from downstairs.

I didnt want to try a dress on.. My baby bump is already getting bigger and im scared ill look too fat at my own wedding.

I decided on wearing lulus and a nice baggy shirt.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and lighty put makeup on.

I walked out of the bathroom and was greated by Louis. Who had two starbucks in his hands.

Good morning love! I just picked you up a coffee! Louis chirpped handing me the coffee.

I smiled at kissed him gently on the lips.

Thank you I smiled.

Louis nodded and looked down at my stomach.

He bent down on his knees and lifted my shirt.

He put his hands on my belly, trying to feel a kick. I knew he wouldnt feel it because I havent felt any kicks what so ever yet.

He then put his ear to my stomach and smiled.

Our babys talking to me

I laughed at him, hes so cute.

Yes, this is your daddy! Im going to love you forever and ever. Never forget that okay love?

My eyes started to tear up. Not the sad kind of tears, but the happy ones. Knowing Louis will always be here.

He stood up and hugged me tightly.

I think its a girl.

I told him smiling.

He smiled so wide, I dont think ive ever seen him smile that wide before.

Well thats great! But , even if he comes out as a boy, ill still have the same happy feeling.

He said pecking me soflty on the lips.

So I meet you at the doctors at 4?


I pecked him on the lips again and we said our goodbyes.

I jumped in the car, Christina was driving.

So... if its a girl, what are you going to name her?

I never thought of names... ive only thought about if it was a boy or a girl.. Names never came to mind..

Umm.... Im not sure.. I really like Shae.. or Deseray.

Those are so cute!!! What about a boy?

This one is easy. Ive always known what to call my little boy since I was 12.


Christina looked at me and smiled widley.

Thats prefect.


When we got to the mall we hurried into the first wedding dress shop we saw.

It took hours and hours.

Christina finally found the PERFECT dress! (Picture on side)

I never found mine.

We had lunch and Christina drove me to the doctors. I was sooo nervous. Im not sure why. I just hope my baby is healthy.

She drove away and I saw Louis drive in right after.

Im glad he came with me.

This is good that were finding out now... because then we can do all of our baby shopping!!!!!

Louis walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

Ready? He asked me.

Ready. I smiled back.

I could tell he was nervous too.

When we walked into the office it wasnt very busy, which probably meant I was getting in right away.

I told the lady at the front desk my name and she said it would be a few minutes.

Lou and I sat down quietly. Thinking of all the different possiblilities.


The nurse called.

I got up and Louis followed me.

Is this the father?

She asked me looking at Louis.

Yes, he is.

I squeezed Louis hand.

Alrighty then, follow me this way.

She brought us into a small yellow room with a chair and a medical bed.

Alright, if I could just get you to lay up on the bed please.

I did as I was told and layed on the bed. It wasnt very comfy.

She took out some gross goo stuff and put it all over my belly.

She used a weird tool and rubbed it across my belly.

Theres your baby.

She said pointing to the screen.

I looked over and saw a small ... my small baby. I looked at Louis and his eyes were tearing up.

Would you like to know the sex of the baby?

The nurse asked us smiling.

I nodded my head and she slid the tool to a different camera view.

Im pleased to inform you that you, are having, a girl.

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