Chapter 22

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Hey guys! Sorry it took fooooor evvvvveeeer for me to write! I promise ill get more chapters in faster :)


*Christinas  P.O.V*

2 months later

The sun streamed out the window of my hotel room. Everything around me was decorated with flowers and congratulation cards. I looked over to see Brook curling her hair. She looked so cute! She was wearing her purple bride’s maid dress. Once you looked down a little further you could see the now big bump developing.

How do I look? She asked me smiling widely. Her eyes were twinkling.

Beautiful! I smiled back at her.

Alrighty Mrs. soon to be Horan. Let’s get your dress on!!! She giggled.

She helped me put my dress on and I looked at myself in the mirror.

I felt my eyes start to tear up and I looked over at Brook, who seemed to be doing the same thing.

Gurl, you look… amazing. Niall won’t be able to take his eyes off you…. Or his hands. She winked at me.

I giggled at looked back at the mirror.

To be honest I was kind of nervous.

I mean.. I love Niall like crazy!! Im just… over all nervous.. but apparently that’s totally normal.

Common ! Lets do our makeup! Brook smiled at me.

I stood in the church hall waiting for my cue.

First was Brook.

As she walked down the aisle I saw Louis staring at her in aw. She started to blush and finally made her way to her spot. She stood behind my sister.

Suddenly I heard the music for me.

This is it.

Everyone started to stand up and the music got louder.

I started walking towards Niall with my dad. People were snapping what seemed like millions of pictures and were all smiling.

My mom on the other hand was crying. Same with a few other people.

My dad let me go and kissed me on the cheek leaving me left with Niall.

He smiled widely and grabbed my hand. He brought me up to the pastor and whispered in my ear.

You look beautiful.

I smiled at him and felt myself blush. He squeezed my hand and we turned are attention to the pastor.

Do you Niall take Christina to be your wife? Through sickness and though health, till death do you part?

I do! Niall said excitedly.

Do you Christina take Niall to be your husband? Though sickness and through health, till death do you part?

I do. I said barley above a whisper. I was so nervous. Everyone was watching us!! 

I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife!

You may kiss the bride.

Niall leaned in and kissed me soft and passionately.

Fireworks were exploding all over me. It felt like our first kiss.

I could hear people clapping and cheering, but all I could focus on was Niall.

My husband.

Our kiss started to get a little wild and Niall pulled away.

I looked at him and he mouthed (Later) to me.

I winked and he picked me up bridal style and he carried me out to our limo.

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