Chapter three

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Chapter three

We walked to his silver corvette and opened the passenger side door for me like a true gentlemen.

We smiled at each other and he left to take a seat in the drivers side.

We talked and talked like the last time, but this time it felt better. Every moment I had with Niall was so speacial. I felt so safe with him.

"So tell me something about yourself I dont already know", he asked me with a curious tone to his voice.

"Well, I eat a ton. I actually have no idea how I do it but I cant stop." I said giggling. He looked at me and his eyes sprakled. "No way." He said excitedly. "I eat so much to! I always eat at Nando's its my favorite place on earth!".

I couldnt believe my own ears... was this some kind of joke? this is crazy.

I found myself starring at him wide eyed and my mouth hanging open.

"Thats my favorite resturant to! Its why I work there!" I smiled. I was so excited.

We finally arrived and he came to my side again and opend the door for me.

Ahh there was a huge line up to get into the club. Niall saw the expression on my face and chuckled. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front of the line.

The man at the front took one look at Niall, nodded and instantly let us in. I couldnt believe it, why was Niall so speacial he got in as soon as we got there?

Once we got inside we met his friends and started to dance. Niall offered me a drink and went to get it. When he was gone, I couldnt believe what happend to me.

*Nialls P.O.V*

She was so adorable. Every part of her. The way she talks really fast, blushes, makes jokes. I couldnt believe it when she told me she loved to eat. That just blew me away. I love eating, and we also love the same resturant? thats awesome. Maybe this is the girl ive been meaning to meet.

I told zayn about what happend after I got back from Nandos. He nodded and told me to make sure I was making the right choice. Zayns always there for me. He knows how easy my heart can be broken. He wants to meet her and make sure she wont hurt me. I have a good feeling about her. Even better then the feeling I had with Demi. Shes awesome, but I think I like Christina more.

I texted Christina asking her if she wanted to go to the club, this would get her to meet Zayn. I was so happy when she accepted my offer.

When I picked her up she looked so beautiful, my stomach was doing flips. This might sound weird, but all I wanted to do was kiss her.

She looked so happy and excited when I came which made me even more happy.

When we got to the club I offered to buy her a drink, it took a while, but she finally gave in and I went to get her a drink. I really like this girl. Even after one day, I think Ive fallen for her.

*Christina's P.O.V*

Some drunk guy comes up to me and grabs me by the waist and starts grinding me. I try and pull away but hes to strong.


"Hey now gurly, just trying to have some fun here." As he spoke the thick smell of alchohal makes me feel sick and i keep squirming. He holds on tighter now, now i can feel his little friend witch disgusts me.

I finally see niall and hope for the best.

"NIALL!". I scream with plead in my voice. Niall looks at me and drops are drinks. He looks angry, not at all what i would expect from him.

He comes over to us and pulls me away from the drunk.

"Back off man." Niall says with a harsh tone.

The drunk shrugs and finds another girl.

I looked at Niall, I felt like I was going to cry.

"Thank you", i said with a single tear falling.

"No worries, lets go somewhere else before that happens again."

I nodded and he started walking. I followed close behind him. Once we were outside he stopped and looked at me.

"Well, where would you like to go?"

"It doesnt matter, Im happy with whatever", i smiled at him reasuring.

We both agreed to go to his place.

We drove up on his drive way and I couldnt believe how massive his house was.

Nialls phone buzzed, he looked at it and smiled. I was curious to know what it said.

Once we were finally stopped Niall looked at me straight in the eyes. I felt like I was going to melt.

He smiled at me and started leaning towards me, this sent shivers all through me. I leaned in as well. He closed his eyes gently and I did the same.

Are lips just touched but then he backed off a little, then he went in again and kissed me, soflty and passiontly. I kissed him back. It felt so warm. So loving, I wanted to stay like this forever.

My hands were tangled in his hair and his hands were around my waist. The kiss deepend as it went on. His tongue slid along the bottom of my lips begging for entrance and I easily accepted. We explored each others mouths.

This felt so right.

I knew instantly that he was the one for me. I just know it.

He slowly backed off me and smiled at me. I smiled back and we got out of his car.

What a crazy night. What a beautiful night. All of this with a boy I have fallen madly in love with, and Im going to his house.

Hey guys! Ill update as soon as I can! Thanks :) Courtney

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