Chapter nine

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*Chistina's P.O.V*

I quickly ran up the stairs into Nialls room to grab my phone.

My heart was beating so fast. I knew I would be in so much trouble. AHH how did I forget about my mom? I was so caught up with Niall and the boys.

I found my phone and was suprised to only see one missed message from her. I clicked on it and scrolled through it slowly.

"Hey honey, my date is going to be longer, Ill be gone for a week to France. Theres some money ontop of the fridge that you can buy food and stuff. See you in a week.

Love , Mom"

I didn't know if i was supposed to be happy or sad about that message.

My mom... just left me . Sending me a text to say goodbye.

I threw my phone on Nialls bed and decided not to focus on that tonight. I can just ask Niall if I can stay with him. I'm sure he wont mind.

*Brooks P.O.V*

After Niall and Christina left for there date I looked over at Louis who was smiling at me. Man. He really knew how to make me fall in love with him. When I first layed eyes on him I knew there was something magical.

The way he wore his white and blue stripped shirt with blue jeans and red suspenders killed me. He was... so sexy. He was really hyper to which made me fall even harder for him because I'm really hyper as well. We both have the minds of five year olds.

"Brook.." Louis said leaning against the wall.

"Yes Boo bear?". He smiled after I called him that. He put his hands in his pockets and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You're really pretty. And ... I know this might seem kinda fast... but.... I think I might like you.".

My heart fluttered with every word he said. He looked down at the ground nervously now tugging on his suspenders.

I smiled and walked up to him grabbing his suspenders and pulling him close to me. He seemed shocked yet excited. I whisperd in his ear,

"I like you too." Then I planted my lips on his.

Our lips instantly move insync. Sparks flew all up and down my body making me shiver. Louis was smiling into the kiss and moved his hands down to my waist.

I threw my hands over Louis shoulders and tangled my hands in his hair.

The kiss was getting really intense. Louis picked me up and pushed me against the wall. He started to kiss down my neck and I let out a small moan.

WHAT WAS I DOING! .. should I stop?.. I didnt want to because it felt so good.

Suddenly we got interupted by someone clearing there throat.

Harry stood infront of us eyes wide. He looked shocked and grossed out.


Harry ran off pretending like he was crying. 

Louis chuckled and looked back at me.

We both smiled and he pecked me lightly on the lips.

"OH MY GOD!!! LOUIS!!" I said excitedly.


"We should build a fort.".

*Chistina's P.O.V*

Niall came up into his room, he saw me and came up to me right away.

"Niall..." I didnt know how to ask him.. but i guess I had to try..

"Yes Love?".

"Would I be able to stay with you... for like... umm a week?"

Niall looked at me shocked.

"Well yes.. of course.. but may I ask why?".

I took a deep breath and told him everything.

I found myself tearing up at the end.

Niall came up to me and hugged me tightly.

We layed down on his bed and put in a movie. It was like three in the morning now and Niall and I were tangled together,  I drifted off into a warm, peaceful sleep.


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