Chapter 17

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*Christinas P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning with an excrushiating headache... like ow!

I was still wrapped in Niall, he was so cute.

I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. His chest rising and falling. I looked up and saw that our room was a disaster!! Clothes were everywhere! Movies! Hair products! You name it! The wall even had a hole in it.

haha Niall was pretty rough.

Niall stirred in his sleep. He opend his eyes and looked at me.

Well goodmorning beautiful  he smiled at me.

Goodmorning I smiled at him

Niall kissed me nose.

I could feel my cheeks burning so I dove down under the covers.

Hey! Come back! Niall screeched.

I started giggling madly and he came under with me.

Thats when I notcied I was still naked.... Ahhhhhh how embarrassing!

Niall must have noticed I looked embarrased because he got out of bed and handed me my robe.

I smiled at him and took it egarly.

Soo when are we going to clean this up?

I asked him curiously

Ahh we dont need to, We have maids. Niall winked at me

He grabbed my hand and we made our way downstairs for some breakfast.

We ate six bowls of cereal and went into the basement to watch a movie.

When we walked down the stairs we found Louis and Brook sleeping on the couch. There so cute together!

Then I remembered!!! Louis proposed last night!!! I looked at Brooks hand and there was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen on her finger.

I looked at Niall and smiled.

He looked at me with a mischievious grin.

WAKE UP YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS!!! Brook and Louis woke up imediatly

Louis eyes went wide open and he shouted KEVIN! , this made me laugh so hard!

Brook woke up terrified grabbing onto Louis for dear life. Shes terrified of birds! hahah

Niall and I ran up the stairs laughing!

We sat on the couch and started eating popcorn.. hey it was already like 1 in the afternoon so its all good!

Hey babe, im taking you somewhere.. pack your bag for three nights!

I looked at Niall curiously...

Common babe just do it, ill help you pack Niall winked at me.

We went upstairs and started packing our bags

Where was he taking me?

I want to know soooooooo bad!!!!!!!


When we got to the airport Niall made me close my eyes as he grabbed our tickets.

We went to find our gate, this was the moment that I was going to fing out where we were actually going!

Flight 3472 to Italy now boarding.



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