Chapter 10

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*Harry's P.OV*

"No way you guys common i'm totally beating you!". I said shaking my head. I was so beating them... okay maybe I wasnt.. but I wasnt all that good at playing X-box anyways.

"No Harry. No your not. Stop dreaming and go straighten your curls or something.". Zayn said to me smirking. I glared at him and pretended to pout. Man these guys got on my nerves sometimes.

"I'm out." I said waving my hand. They nodded and continued playing there game. I wonder what Louis was doing? I knew he was with that girl Brook. She was really pretty. I gotta say.

WAIT! Harry did you just call a girl pretty?

Normally you just call girls hott. Whats happening to me?

"Dont ya wish your girlfriend waas hott like me." I started singing walking up the stairs.

I heard Louis and Brook talking and laughing so I decided to go hangout with them. As I was walking over it suddenly got quite. What the heck?

Then I heard a loud bang.

What the hell are they doing?

I ran around the corner to fing Louis sucking on Brooks neck while she was moaning.


No ! no Harry focus.

I stood there in shock. I was kinda hurt. I felt suddenly angry that Brook was kissing Louis and not me.

OH no Harry. Whats happening to me?

*Christina's P.O.V*

I woke up happy and ready to be awake. Which never ever happens.

I realized that I was still wrapped up in Nialls arms. He was so cute when he was asleep. He snored really loud.... and farted in his sleep.

I think its cute and funny. It gets kinda irritating sometimes though. I gotta be honest.

I stared at him for a while with thoughts flowing through my mind when I decided to get up and have a shower.

I slowly unwrapped myself from Niall trying not to wake him up and ran into the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and let the hot water soak through my pores.

This felt so nice.

Suddenly I thought I heard the door open.


No one answered.


Maybe I was just imagining things.

I continued on enjoying my shower when I noticed the curtain slowly moving. I tried my best to cover myself up.

Niall poked his head through the curtain.

"Good morning!!!". He said excitedly looking me up and down.


He started to pout.

"Please? please please please!?".

I couldnt resist, he was so cute.

I moved over a bit feeling suddenly uncomfortable about the way my body looked.

"You look lovley... and beautiful... and ... sexy". Niall winked.

Thats when I noticed.

HE WAS NAKED! HOLY CARROTS! I CAN SEE HIS..... oh .... im acting really immature brain! stop it stop it!!

It was... so .... BIG though. I couldnt stop staring.

He chuckled and came closer to me.

"You like what you see?" He winked.

I could feel my cheeks blushing and a smile crept on my cheeks.

"What ever makes you sleep at night Naill." I winked.

"Oh your gonna get it.". He laughed evily and grabbed the shampoo bottle pointing it at me.

"You wouldnt dare." I said glaring at him.

Suddenly he started spraying it everywhere!

All over me all over the shower curtain! Even outside of the shower for some odd reason.

We were both laughing hysterically and I screamed when he sprayed me.

He then stopped and looked at me.

He threw the bottle on the ground and smashed his lips onto mine.

Our lips moved insync fitting like puzzle pieces.

Our kiss got more and more instense by the minute.

He started to move his hands down to my waist.

Christina! Dont lose your virginity now! You cant!

Parts of me wanted to say no. When other parts of me wanted it so bad.

Niall turned the shower off and opened the curtain still kissing me.

He picked me up bridal style and brang me back into his room. He layed me on the bed and we got even more intense.

Niall suddenly stopped. Shocked. Scared. Confused.

What happend? Did I do something wrong.



Ooooooooo whats he gonna say? What happend? ;) FIND OUT! :) stay tuned for the next chapter my lovleys :) <3

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