Chapter 25

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3 years later......

*Louis P.O.V*

"Daddy daddy!"

Anastasia came running over to me with open arms. We always called her Tasha.

I picked her up and held her in my arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Daddy , when's mommy coming home ?"

"She'll be home soon Hun."

I put her down and she ran off to go play with Niall again.

She looked so much like Brook.

Brook survived having Tasha. Thankfully. I have no idea what I would do without her. Literally.

She came home later that evening and we all sat down and ate dinner together. As one big happy family.


*Christina's P.O.V*

"Niall.. "

I looked at Niall. Happy as ever. I had amazing news!!!!

"Yes , Hun?"

He asked in the middle of brushing his teeth.

"I'm.. I'm pregnant."

Niall stopped brushing his teeth and looked me straight in the eyes. He dropped his brush and picked me up swinging me around!


He kissed me so passionately.

"We're going to be one big happy family."

He said smiling.

I smiled back.

Because I knew.

That he was right.




WOW! Okay yeah that was a really lame ending.. But just so you guys know I'm going to make another fan fiction! And make it 10x's better! So STAY TUNNED! Please comment on what you would like to see in the next fan fic or what you think I should do better...


My new story should be out .. Mhmmmmm ill say in less than a week!

Thanks guys!

Your the best :)


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