Chapter 23

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7 months later

*Brooks P.O.V.*

Im fat. im so fat. I looked at Christina with tears in my eyes.

She looked at me disaprovingly and turned back to her show,

Louis was taking me on a date tonight. Hes such a cutie pie.

BROOK! GET READY! Christina pushed me into the bathroom and gave me my makeup bag.

To be honest all I wanted to do was sit around watching sad movies and eating.

I dont feel very pretty right now.


You ready?

Louis asked me nervously.

Yes, of course I am!! Why wouldnt I be??

Well I dont know.. you seem... never mind.

NO spit it out.

Mmmmmmmmm. He looked at me and winked.


Okay! okay! haha , I dont know you just seem uneasy. Are you sure your okay?

I couldnt believe my ears. Uneasy? If I tell him im fine.. im fine! Jeez. Well actually... I feel really lousy. I feel like puking and I feel like I have THE worst menstral cramps in the world.

Lou im fine. Can we please just go?

Louis nodded his head and took my hand leading us to his car.

The car ride was silent. But it was a good silent. All I wanted right now was to be silent. I felt ten times worse every second.

Brook are you sure your okay? You look really sick....

I nodded my head and smiled. I tried hard to convince him I was fine, but he didnt seem to believe me.

When we got to the resturant I couldnt wait to get out of the car. I felt so car sick.

When I got out of the car Louis came to my side immidiatly and put his arm around my waist.

Im suprised it could fit.

Oh my god. I said hunching over.

What! what! are you alright?

Lou bent over with me.

The smell coming from the resturant made me feel so sick.

I cant go in there.

Why? This is one of your favourite resturants??

I know.. The smell makes me want to puke though.

Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car.

What are we doing?

I asked curiously.

Were going home. You need to rest. Ill stay with you and we can watch a movie or something together.

I smiled widley at him and nodded my head once again.

Thank the good lord.


When we pulled into the drive way I felt a quick cramp.


I said grabbing my stomach.

Louis didnt hear me because he was already outside of the car.

I got out slowly and rubbed my tummy.

Was she okay?


We walked inside and everyone was sitting on the couch watching the titanic.

Harry and Niall were crying there eyes out. Haha go figure.

Christina was rolling her eyes and zayn and Liam were fast asleep.

Louis tapped my bum and winked at me.

Ill meet you upstairs babe.

okay. I smiled at him.

I walked up the stairs holding my belly. It felt like it was going to fall off... thats how heavy it felt.

I got my pjs on and crawled into my bed. I couldnt wait for Lou to come. I was so cold.

Then it hit me again.

Another cramp. But this time it was longer and more painful.


I yelled as loud as I possibly could.

Then I got another cramp, and it felt like it was ten times worse.

Louis and Christina ran up the stairs as fast as they could.

Are you okay?

They said at the same time panting.

I think.. I th-hh-hh-i-i-nk, its time.

Time for what?

Then I got another cramp.

I screamed and fell to the floor.


Louis and Christina ran over to me and held me up.


I screamed at them. Man was I angry. Being in this kind of pain makes you do weird things. and I was mad.

Louis said he read an article about women giving birth and it said they turned into the devil. I can see why!

Louis picked me up and Christina ran downstairs.


All the boys stood up and looked at me.

Ill drive!

Said Harry who grabbed his keys.

Everyone else ran outside to the car and Louis and I followed.

The ride was silent except for the screaming I made every once in a while. Everyone looked so worried. Lou and Christina were holding my hands while liam and niall were playing with my hair. Everyone knew that if you played with my hair that would calm me down, because I love it so much. But this time it wasnt working.


Louis looked at me and said, I know love, its going to be okay.


My water broke.

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