Chapter 16

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Jason POV

The first memory was when the Supreme first discovered her powers. She was very young - around four or five years old. Most Unknowns' powers didn't develop until after they hit puberty, some in their early adult years. It depended on genetics and how strong the powers were.

In my case my powers didn't become full fledged until I was around twenty years old. I was twenty-three now, slowly creeping up to twenty four. Looking back, I can see now that small inklings of my abilities tried to leak through in my teenage years. Whispers of thoughts creeping into my mind, often making me think I misheard something. It took a few years before it fully manifested into telepathy and then evolved into telekinesis. Usually the more powerful you were, it took a bit longer for your powers to appear and mature, but like anything else there were always exceptions to the rules.

The Supreme was definitely one of the exceptions. At the ripe young age of four, she could already read minds in the capacity that I could today. She was extremely intelligent and articulate. Maybe this was an extension of her powers too.

Her parents had been extremely powerful Unknowns. Her mother had cosmic awareness - she was aware of anything in the universe that affected her. This ability had its limitations - she wasn't aware of things that would affect other people and despite being aware of any dangers she didn't necessarily have the means to stop them. Still, her telepathic abilities were strides above mine.

The Supreme's father had the ability to manipulate dark matter. Dark matter matter that isn't made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. It doesn't emit light or energy and It's believed that around eighty percent of the universe is made up of dark matter. His abilities were virtually limitless.

It was extremely rare for Unknowns to conceive so when her parents found out they were expected they weren't quite sure what the outcome would be. Would their child be normal? Or would their child be extraordinary? Her powers appeared at an early age, but it took decades for them to complete their manifestation.

By the age of fifteen the Supreme had mastered both telepathy and telekinesis. At twenty-five she'd developed precognition and her father's ability to manipulate dark matter. By this time everyone assumed that her powers were done maturing, but this was far from the end. By the time she was forty she'd mastered all of these abilities and could warp space-time itself to fit her needs/desires. Before she was alive, her father's abilities seemed limitless, but her very existense proved that assumption to be false. The Supreme's powers made her omnipotent. She knew everything there was to know. The only limits to her powers were her imagination.

Her powers were so strong that she's lived through two thousand years. That's what happened the stronger your abilities were - they expanded your natural lifespan to never before seen lengths.

Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Years turned into decades. Decades turned into centuries. Centuries turned into millenia.

Her life story brought much into perspective for me. She hadn't always been the authoritative figure that I'd grown to know. No, she became that way because it was the hand she was dealt in life. Back when she was a child Unknowns were viewed as gods. She's grown up in ancient Greece. Where else would their stories of their many gods come from.

As time went on these gods became nothing but mere myths. There was no one leader among the Unknowns - they simply went about their business blending in with humans, only using their abilities around people they trusted. It wasn't until the Supreme was tired of seeing the many wars amongst the humans and this behavior creeping into the Unknowns that she decided to step up. Her people would not make the same mistakes as humans. At that time, there weren't as many Unknowns as there were today.

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