Chapter 13: Around The City

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"Man, Hallows Eve is next week! I can't believe it!" Stahl exclaimed.

"I still remember last year!" Sully snorted. "Vaike got drunk off of spiced pumpkin ale. It was great!"

I giggled. "I bet. I'm really excited for it!"

I was into the third week of my stay in Ylisstol, and only a week away from Hallows Eve. I was getting better day by day - to the point where I was able to go without crutches! It still hurt to walk, but I wanted to get used to it since I won't be hobbling back home with crutches.

Sully and Stahl were my chaperones of the day, and they wanted to show me more of the city. The trees have begun to lose their green color and instead have taken on the colors of fall. Hallows Eve decorations were put up and gave the whole city a festive look.

"So, Anna, how to you like living among the Luna?" Sully asked.

I smiled at the red-headed knight. "It's amazing! I truly will never be able to forget this place!" And I meant it. I may not be able to talk about it to anyone else, but I will always hold the memories close to my heart.

Strangely enough, I've begun to feel at home here. Like I belonged. I tried my best to shake those thoughts away. I knew my place was with the humans. I really don't belong here.

"C'mon, we're almost to the Commons! There's a ton of cool stuff there!" Stahl grinned widely. He was obviously very proud of his home and was eager to show it off to me.

"What's that?"

"The Commons is an area of recreation and such," Sully said. "It's the second largest public area in the city. It contains things like art galleries, studios, theatres, nurseries, that kinda stuff."

I nodded. "That's really cool. What are the other largest areas?" I asked.

My companions shared a look and huffed a laugh. Everyone has gotten used to my curiosity at this point, and they found it very amusing to indulge my neverending questions. "The first biggest is the Shopping District, obviously. And the third is the Academic District," Stahl explained. "Have Miriel or Ricken show you around there. They know that place like the back of their hands."

"There are other districts in the city, but they aren't as big." Sully tucked her hands behind her back and started taking larger steps. I noticed that this was a tick of hers whenever she was impatient. Which was a lot.

My heart raced with excitement. I've barely even scratched the surface of this place! Gods, I need to make the best of what little time I have left here!

"We're here!"

The commons were full of wolves and humans, each one with a smile on their face. As we walked, we passed by many art-related buildings. Some were outdoors, and we were able to see wolves with paint splattered all over their fur, but they didn't seem to mind.

"What do you think?" A smug Sully asked.

"It's-whoa!" A pair of wolf pups ran past my feet, happily barking as they chased each other.

Another wolf, this one much larger, quickly followed after them; barking and growling to get their attention.

Stahl laughed. "We must be near one of the nurseries! Luna pups sure are rambunctious!"

Sure enough, we arrived at a large tree; hallowed out to home the many wolves inside of it. Inside, wolf and human children played and ran around. I smiled at the sight.

"What's the purpose of the nursery?" I asked, using all of my willpower to restrain myself from petting one of the pups. These are people, Anna. It is rude to pet them.

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