Chapter 5: Curiosity Almost Killed the Human

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I was paralyzed in fear.

Should I play dead?! Should I just let this thing eat me?! Oh gods oh gods oh gods.

I held my breath as the creature sniffed me all over, poking and nudging me. It eventually returned to my neck and sniffed some more. I prepared for it to snap at my exposed flesh and kill me once and for all. Maybe it'll go away if I stay still...

However, I couldn't hold it anymore as its fur tickled my neck. I let out a sharp exhale, breathing heavily. The creature whimpered and removed its face from my neck, barking softly. Another creature joined the sniffing, this one focusing on my injuries.

Then, the first creature began to prod my eyes open with its snout. I eventually gave into its insistent prodding and opened my eyes, gasping at the sight in front of me.

I was holding the gaze of a dark, navy blue wolf with stormy blue eyes. It made a noise of content and began to wag its tail. I sat up on my forearms, my breath quickening. It was a little taller than me at the moment, seeing as that I was in a sitting position, but I never thought that wolves were that big. Gods, was I wrong.

The other wolf that was sniffing my injuries bounded up to me. This one was a lot shorter than its companion but strange nonetheless. It had pale green eyes and blonde fur with a patch of white on its chest running to its underbelly.

What...what's going on?! Why are there wolves here?! And why are they not eating me?! Trembling furiously, I tried to back away from them, breathing heavily.

The blue wolf flattened its ears and let out a whimper - like it was trying to comfort me. After I stopped trembling for a few seconds, it walked closer to me and licked my cheek, nuzzling into me.

"U-uh...hello?" I managed to say.

The wolves seemed to like that reaction. The blonde one repeated the move on my other cheek, but it was more like the lick of a puppy. As my anxiety began to ebb away, a low growl sounded behind the wolves.

My heavy breathing returned as a giant, brown wolf approached me. It did not look happy. I yelped in fear and backed away. It bared its teeth and growled once more.

The blue wolf stood up and snapped at the brown one, giving a warning growl. They had a standoff for what felt like hours, but eventually, the brown wolf backed down and let the blue one continue its work. As that was happening, the blonde wolf began sniffing my injuries once more.

"This...has got to be the strangest day of my life..." I muttered. As the wolf poked my injured leg, I cried out as I finally regained my senses. The pain was just as unbearable as before and I found myself blacking out.


"Chrom...we have to do something!" The voice of a girl exclaimed.

"Well, what do you propose we do?" Another voice asked, this one belonging to a man.

"I-I dunno!"

"I propose we leave her here. Humans are dangerous, Milord." A deeper voice spoke.

"Out of the question, Frederick. She's helpless and injured! We can't just leave her!" The man said.

Wait. Voices? What happened to the wolves?! I forced my eyes open, screaming at the sight and backing away. Standing there were three people. One of them was a short girl with blonde pigtails and green eyes. Another was a tall, muscular man with brown hair and hazel eyes. The other man had blue hair and cerulean-grey eyes. What set him apart from the others was his lack of a right sleeve and a strange looking birthmark on his shoulder.

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