Chapter 31: Gifts for Them

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Ok! I can do this! All I have to do is buy gifts for my friends, how hard can this be?

Over the past few days, the city had become a festive wonderland. Green and red ribbons were wrapped on trees and strung across posts. The lamp-posts adorned holly leaves. To top it all off, snow was beginning to fall, blanketing the city in white.

Tucking my fur cloak tighter around me, I made my way through the Shopping District. Every single shop was adorned with festive decor and merchandise. Vendors stood outside, shouting about their holiday sales.

This place is just so charming! I can't wait to see what I can find!

Exchanging gifts was something entirely new to me. During Yule's Eve, gift giving was not very common. Receiving a piece of jewelry from your family happened from time to time, sure, but not gifts from your friends. Some of them will be easy to buy for, but some may prove challenging.

Luckily, I had saved enough money from my old job at the Nursery; I could afford nice gifts for each of my friends. Chrom also gave the Shepherds a holiday bonus.

I need to think about all of my friends and their likes. I'll buy them stuff based on that! I stopped in front of the bookstore. I'll check here, first!

The inside of the bookstore was warm and cozy. Warm fires crackled in the reading areas, adding to the welcoming atmosphere. The shop was packed with people with the same gift idea as me. I quickly scanned around to make sure none of my friends were inside. The coast is clear!

"Is there anything I can help you with?" A sales clerk asked me, a smile on her face.

I turned to her, shaking my head. "No thank you. I'm just going to browse around and pick from there."

The woman nodded. "All right. Come find me if you need assistance!" she said in a cheery tone before walking off.

I faced the large selection of books once more. "I guess I should start looking."


I exited the bookstore, canvas bag in hand. I had purchased gifts for Ricken, Miriel, Olivia, Sumia, Libra, and Donnel. Perfect! I don't have to worry about them anymore! Now to move on!

The next store I entered was a cosmetics shop. The second I stepped in, I was overwhelmed by the scents of...everything. Luna cosmetics were much less scented than human ones due to our heightened senses, but with everything in one room together, it was overwhelming.

Once regained my composure, I took a few more steps inside. This...will be interesting.


I left the shop, taking a huge gulp of fresh air. I found gifts for Maribelle, Lissa, Emmeryn, Virion, and Cordelia. I maybe would have bought more, but I couldn't handle the strong fragrances anymore.

"Almost done..." I heaved, looking around the square for a new idea. "I bet I could find something inside of a craft store."

After a bit of searching, I found a stall that was selling different colored yarns and thread. There, I purchased some specialty yarn for Frederick and Chereche.

The last few friends on my list would be difficult to buy for. I purchased some candies for Stahl earlier, but I was drawing a blank of the rest. "Maybe I can find something at the armorer. I can't buy them any weapons, but there may be something I can find."

As I made my way to the armorer, an idea popped into my head. Wait, that's it! I can find a wood carver and buy miniatures of their weapons! It's the perfect gift! The only people I'll need to buy them for are Sully, Kellam, Lon'qu, and Vaike.

With a smile on my face, I strolled through the rest of my shopping trip. That was so much easier than I thought! I love doing this! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to their-

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I forgot about Chrom.

I panicked as I tried to come up with an idea for him. Dammit! I don't want to get him what I got everyone else! He means so much to me! I need to get him something special!

Steeling myself, I took a deep breath. "Ok. Calm down. I'll just...walk around and see what I can find. I'll get an idea soon, right?"



I've been searching for at least an hour, and I came up with nothing.

He's my closest friend! I should have been able to think of something in a heartbeat!

I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. I'm the worst friend ever...

"Ah, looks like someone is having a bit of trouble." A street vendor chuckled. "Struggling to find something for a special someone?"

I turned to the vendor that was speaking. She was a middle-aged woman with pale green hair. Her stall was full of gemstones and jewelry. "O-oh...I guess you can say that..." I rubbed my arm nervously.

The woman smiled. "Ah, I see. Mates are always stressful to buy for."

I turned redder than a tomato as she mentioned the word mate. "N-NO! THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL! HE'S NOT MY MATE! JUST A REALLY GOOD FRIEND!"

The woman laughed harder. "I'm jesting, dear! No need to get so worked up!" She wiped away a tear. "Oh, but that truly is unfortunate. What makes him so hard to buy for?"

I frowned, trying to still my racing heart. "He's just...I don't know. He can be hard to read sometimes," I sighed. "We're close friends, but I just don't know what he wants. I know he'll be happy with whatever I get him, but I want to get him something special."

The woman thought for a moment, humming. "Well, if he'll like anything you buy him, then why not make it yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are there any artisan skills you have?"

I shuffled my feet. "Well, I can bake... I can also sew, but I'm not the best at it."

"Then that's it!" The woman spoke. "Make him something from the heart. That's special if you ask me."

Make him something from the heart... Oh!

"I have the perfect idea!" I exclaimed. "Thank you so much for your help!"

She waved me off with a hand. "Of course, dear. Good luck with your friend!" She called as I ran off.

I just need to get the supplies for it! It may take some time to do, but I know I'll be able to get it done in time!

WOLF CHRISTMAS! So stuff is going to happen and stuff is about to go doooooown. Yayyyyy. Exams are over and I THINK I did fairly well. Hurray? I'm so flippin tired. Prepare for fluff. Lots of it. Love y'all. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!


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