Chapter 36: Truth of Hearts

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A light knock sounded at the door. "Hey...can I come in?" Lissa's soft voice spoke.

I rubbed my swollen eyes with my wrists. "Yeah...come in..." My voice was scratchy and deep from all my crying.

The young princess cautiously stepped into the room. "C-Chrom asked me to check up on you."

I nodded slowly, gesturing to the seat by my bedside. "Take a seat. He left an hour ago."

"He thought you might want a bit of space so that's why I took so long..." she muttered, sitting down. "How are you feeling?"

I let out a small chuckle. "Physically, I'm about as good as new. Mentally..." I began to tremble as memories of Chrom and mine's fight surfaced.

"I-I heard that you two had a bit of a disagreement." Lissa cleared her throat.

I thought I had cried myself dry, but I was wrong. Warm tears pricked in the corners of my eyes. "Y-yeah... As soon as I woke up, he started yelling at me, and I yelled at him. I-it was so stupid..."

Lissa looked absolutely heartbroken. "...You know, I'm not trying to sound like I'm picking sides, but he has been really worried about you these past few days," she said. "You were conscious the first day, but you probably don't remember it. Frederick had to physically pull Chrom away from you after he saved you. After we got you stabilized here, he refused to leave your side."

I remembered how exhausted he looked when I woke up. "H-he did...?" He always stays with me whenever I'm bedridden like this... But it sounds like he took this to the extreme. Did he even sleep?

She nodded. "Yeah... He really cares about you, Anna. I'm sure whatever he said was out of worry," she sighed. "Still, that gives him no excuse to yell at you. If anything, that is the last thing he should have done."

Now my hands were trembling even more. "...I really blew it... I chased my best friend away..."

A hand found mine. "Stop that. You didn't chase him away." Lissa frowned. "You're both super stressed and said things you regret. He still cares for you with all of his heart."

I swallowed; my throat was dry. "I-I want to find him. I want to talk to him," I said. "But I just don't know if I'm ready to do that."

She squeezed my hand. "You can talk to him whenever you're ready. Don't rush things." Her warm smile did wonders to improve my mood. "It may help for you to see the others, first. They've been worried sick about you as well. Sumia and Cordelia were in here almost as much as Chrom. Maybe talking to them will help clear your mind?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that..." I ran a hand through my hair. "I'll check up on everyone, and then things will go back to normal."


It ended up being mid-day by the time I met with all my friends once more. They were overjoyed to see me up and moving. I almost neared Death again from all the bone-crushing hugs I received. But, even though I had been asleep for three days, I still grew tired. It was refreshing to home and lay in a bed that was my own.

However, one piece was missing: Chrom.

I had not seen him since I'd awoken. It was like he was avoiding me, now. That thought alone was enough to keep me wide awake.

I tossed and turned, my sheets crumpling with every movement. Dammit! Why does he have to be so difficult! I wish I could have just talked to him and cleared my conscious! Now I can't stop thinking about him!

I stared at the ceiling, a strange force tugging at my heart. "Gods... I'll never be able to sleep... I need some air." I hopped out of bed, drawing my cloak over my shoulders. "I'm just going to take a walk and clear my head. Nothing more. I'll feel better after this."

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