Chapter 17: The Trials

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"Emm, have you found anything?" Chrom asked as we stepped into the Alpha's private library.

This library was not as vast as the other library in The Great Tree. All of its contents were contained in a single room. Spellbooks and ancient texts filled the shelves. Torches with blue fire illuminated the room, giving it a feeling a magic.

I'm guessing that this is all confidential stuff. She probably doesn't want all of these powerful spellbooks available to just about anyone.

Emmeryn turned to us, eyes focused on a large, old, withering leather book that was caked in dust. "This is it. This book contains what we need to turn Anna Luna."

My heart skipped. "Really?! What does it say?!" I was beyond excited. I barely got any sleep last night due to how giddy I was, so I was pretty much running off of adrenaline and tea.

The Alpha furrowed her brow as her eyes skimmed the page. "It is a bit difficult to read, but I think I can make it out." She cleared her throat.

"A Human is half of a Luna, what they miss is the soul of a wolf. If you wish to become one with the wild, read ahead. Shy away now if you are feeling reluctant. To complete your missing half, you must prove that you have what it takes to be a wolf. Go forth with the Trials so the Human may prove themselves. If the Moon Mother deems them unworthy, do not question her judgment.

"In the deepest depths of the night, here is where you'll find it: a single flower that the moon has lit. To prove you can track, seek out this bloom. If not, for you, the pack has no room.
In the wildest of forests, a stag is what you seek. Pure and white, as it is such a sneak. To prove you can hunt, you much attain proof of its capture. Be wary, its sight alone tends to enrapture.
The bonds wolves share are protected and sacred. A friend you have is not one wasted. The drop of a Luna's blood is all that you need. Find a wolf that trusts you enough to bleed.
The final task is of your own merit. To prove your loyalty, you must prepare it. Your own blood must drop to show your pride; to promise your pack that your soul is truly tied.

"Complete each task and present the gifts at a Temple of Naga. Be warned, human, Death will fight for your hand. If all goes right, you will become Luna and welcomed into the pack as if you have always been there."

I stood there, processing each word Emmeryn recited. My hands were shaking and I felt clammy. I was actually going to do this; I was about to go through the Trials.

"What does that mean?" Chrom asked for me. I nodded slowly in agreement, mouth too dry to speak.

Emmeryn flipped through the pages. "Let me see if there is any information... Ah! Here we are!" she exclaimed. "You need to prove your tracking abilities. There is a rare flower called the Moonflower that blooms once every full moon. It is a large, silver and blue plant that glows. It is difficult to find, but easy to recognize."

I finally regained my ability to speak. "So...I have to wander around the forest at night until I find it?"

She shook her head. "No, there are certain things you have to do. The flower has certain conditions that it thrives in and is in a very specific spot," she said. "And, you only have one night to find it."

I eyes widened. "W-what?! A night!? A flower that rare will take hours to find!"

Emmeryn smirked. "I don't think you will have much trouble, Anna the Curious," she giggled. "That is unless you would like to wait another month?"

I gulped. "N-no need. When is the next full moon?"

"Tomorrow, actually," Chrom said. "We can start this tomorrow if you so choose."

I nodded. "All right, tomorrow it is, then." I smiled proudly. "What about the other tasks?"

"The White Stag is a legendary creature that lurks deep in the forest," the Alpha spoke. "When the Trials were performed thousands of years ago, humans would have to travel into the Ylissean Forest to find it. Luckily, we are settled in the forest so you won't have to venture far. Hunt the stag down and bring proof that you caught it."

"Like, it's body?"

Emmeryn's lips curved into a sly smile. "Just proof. It doesn't specify what, but proof." What in Grima- I mean, Naga's name is she talking about? "You will have 24 hours to complete this task. It is no easy one."

As she spoke, I felt a warm presence around me. I smiled. "I am the daughter of a huntress. This stag is as good as mine." Mother is with me... Her spirit will guide me. I will make you proud, Mother.

"And the other two..." Emmeryn sighed. "Though they may sound easy, the meaning behind them serve a deeper purpose. You need the blood of a Luna to prove your bonds and loyalty to the pack."

I nodded. "I...I see." My throat went dry again. I need to find someone who will be willing to bleed for me... "C-can it be just anyone?"

"No, it has to be some wolf you trust with your life," she said. "This wolf needs to willingly give their blood during the ceremony. They need to have the same amount of trust in you as you do them."

"I'll do it."

I turned to Chrom, eyes wide and breath caught in my throat. "...W-what?"

His gaze burned into mine. "I'll give you my blood," he repeated.

I shook my head. "Chrom, you have already done so much for me," I muttered. "I can't ask this of you. I can find someone-"

"You aren't forcing me to do anything," he stated. "I want to do this. I trust you enough to bleed for you."

I didn't know what to say. Chrom was nothing but selfless since the very moment I met him. Now, he was offering his blood for me. Blood that will change me into a Luna. Are...are our bonds really that strong enough? Does he really trust me so?

I said the only thing that seemed right. "Th-thank you. For everything."

Emmeryn smiled. "Well, that's one Trial over," she said. "The final step is to give your own blood. This will show that you are loyal and committed to the pack."

"Of course. I will gladly give my own blood."

Chrom sighed a whistle. "If that is everything, then I would like to take Anna out for some sparing." He turned to me. "Do you know how to wield a sword?"

I shook my head. "No, the only weapon I'm skilled with is the bow."

"I see. Well, a bow and some arrows won't do much when it comes to self-defense." He placed a hand on the hilt of his sword that was strapped to his hip. "I want to teach you how to properly fight."

I grinned. "I would love to learn, thank-"

Chrom put up a hand. "That's enough thanking me," he chuckled. "You won't be doing much thanking when I'm done training you!"

I swatted his chest. "Bring it! I can take anything!"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is!"

Emmeryn laughed. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. I'll finish up with any other preperations." She gathered up some materials and left the library.

Chrom and I were left along. I starred daggers into him. "Once you teach me how, I'm gonna kick your butt!"

He crossed his arms and huffed. "I'd like to see you try. C'mon!"

*shoves rhymes down your throat* Take em. So as some of you may know, my computer was acting up so I wasn't able to write. Thankfully, I believe the problem is fixed so we return to our regularly scheduled program. Prepare for some serious Anna angst coming up. Wheeeeee. I'm so tired. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!


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