Chapter 39: Princess Anna

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"You useless scum..."

My breathing was heavy, body trembling. My eyes frantically searched around my house, trying to find Father. Everything felt so familiar and yet it also felt as if I hadn't been here in months. I felt weak, too weak. What was happening? What did I do this time?

Father came into the kitchen, a frown on his face. "You pitiful excuse of a daughter... Why do I even bother with you?"

Tears began to fill my eyes. "P-papa, please! I know you don't mean that! Please, stop!"

"How dare you try to leave your home! This is where you belong!"

I fell to the ground, hiding my face in my hands. ""

He clicked his tongue. "Anna...allow the darkness to consume you. Allow yourself to be weak. It's easier that way."

I shook my head. "N-no! I won't give anything up! I want to keep being strong!"

"Your mother tried being strong, but she still perished! Sometimes, your strength isn't enough!"

"STOP IT!!!"

My eyes flew open, chest heaving. Immediately, my senses were overflowed with the homey scents of rain, bark, and sage. I frantically looked around the room. I was laying in a bed I was not used to, along with being slightly jostled by the surrounding area.

However, despite the new surroundings, my blue-haired mate slumbered beside me. He wrapped his arms around my center, hauling my back against his chest. "You okay?" he mumbled as he kissed the back of my neck.

My head was spinning. I wanted to pass out. "M'fine..." I snuggled back against him, heart and soul instantly calming. That was one of the many pluses of having a mate. Whenever I was anxious or sad, Chrom was there to pull me out of the dark.

Ah, that's right... We decided to stay in the Great Tree for the next couple of days. My official coronation was only days ago; a few days after mine and Chrom's mating ceremony. The grace period was over. Now, I was to be trained in the ways of a Luna princess. I was both terrified but endlessly excited over the prospect.

"Ya don't sound fine," he mumbled against my skin, tangling our legs together. "Love, tell me."

I reached behind me to bury my hand in his blue locks. "Really, Chrom, I'm all right," I whispered. "Just another nightmare."

He tightened his hold. "M'right here, my princess. I won't let anything bad happen to you. Promise."

"I know, love. I know."


Morning came, and so did the anxiety.

After my nightmare, the sleep I managed to get was restless at best. My dear mate did all he could in his power to calm my nerves and Naga bless him for everything that he was, but my sleep-deprived brain refused to let go of the images of Father berating me once more. I thought I escaped that life, but it seemed my subconscious wanted me to remember.

Eventually, hours of lying awake in pure moonlight soon shifted into the hints of dawn. At that, I forced my tired body to pry itself from Chrom's warm arms and stumble into the washroom. I splashed my face with ice-cold water, rubbing away any hints of exhaustion. I gazed at myself in the mirror, staring myself down.

I am Anna: Princess of Ylisse. I yield to no one, not even myself.

Distantly, I heard the sound of my mate shuffling in bed. "Anna...?" he croaked out.

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