Chapter 26: Trouble on the Road

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Ok ok ok. I need to think this through before I attack. I carefully stalked through the bushes, my ears pricked up in alert as I watched the battle before me.

A young wolf named Donnel was held captive by a group of bandits but managed to escape their clutches. He immediately found the Shepherds to warn us of the upcoming danger, but it was too late. The bandits were hot on his trail. Two days into traveling to Regna Ferox and we were already under attack.

I was told to shift into my wolf form and avoid the heart of the skirmish. My fighting skills were not exactly ready to be put into use. Still, I wanted to help.

All right. I really need to come up with a strategy. My swordsmanship is not the greatest, but I can still get the job done. Fighting as a wolf may be easier since I'm guided by instinct. I scanned the battlefield once more. Maybe the ratio of human to wolf fighters will help. Both sides look about evenly matched in terms of forms. The question is which form needs the most help.

In wolf form were Stahl, Kellam, Sully, Vaike, and Donnel (although he was mostly doing the same thing as me: sticking to the sidelines and leaping out to assist the others). In human form were Frederick, Sumia, Virion, Lissa, Miriel, and Chrom.

I need to act fast! The wolves are the smaller group, so maybe I can help even the odds!

My mind was made up.

With a snarl, I leaped from with bushes and dove into the fray. I targeted a wolf trying to sneak up on Sully. With claws outstretched and teeth bared, I tackled the wolf to the ground. I can't be afraid this time! I will fight until the very end!

Although the wolf was larger than me, I easily kept him pinned to the ground like a piece of prey. I raked my claws along his spine; blood warm against my paw. Strong paws kicked at my hind legs, knocking me off balance.

The wolf snapped at my ear, pulling. Intense pain shot through my body. Instinctively, my arms reached up to claw at his face.

His howl of pain was music to my stinging ears.

I looked up to see a deep gash across his neck, and three claw marks on his left eye. The injured eye was swollen shut while his good one burned with fury. The low, constant growling coming from him was both a challenge and a warning for me to run away.

I chose the former.

Using his new blindspot, I darted to the right and headbutted his side. He huffed as the air left his lungs. The next few moments were a daze of teeth and claws. My opponent and I were both badly beaten and bloodied. Our skirmish felt like it would last an eternity.

Then, a realization finally hit me. The winner of this fight is who comes out dead or alive. Not who flees first. The thought made me absolutely sick to my stomach.

In my moment of distraction, the wolf knocked me off my feet and dug his teeth into my neck. I tried to yelp but no noise came out. He bit harder and I started to convulse. Help me! Someone, please help!

Everything started to go dizzy when his grip let up. In the distance, the agonizing cry of a human being cut down echoed throughout the battlefield. Relief rushed through my veins; it didn't sound like anyone I knew.

Wait, this is my chance!

I tore myself away from the jaws of my enemy and released a snarl that could be heard for miles. My claws dug into his shoulders and my teeth buried themselves in his neck. I trembled as warm blood filled my mouth, but I kept my hold.

Moments later, the struggling stopped.

I dropped the lifeless body of the male. That...that just happened... I won...but that was only one of them!

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