Chapter 22: I'm Home

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"Here. This will be your new home."

Emmeryn led me up the stairs that went around one of the large trees. Many houses stuck out of the sides. My unit was not too far off the ground, but certainly not close.

Each house had its own extended platform so others could easily get to other units without bothering anyone. The homes themselves were both inside and out of the trunk. The main entry-way and kitchen were on the outside part, but the others areas were built into the trunk.

Emmeryn opened the door, and I was not expecting what I saw. I expected the homes to be very casual and basic; simple like a treehouse. But no. I was way wrong. They had the same exact interior of any Human home including the kitchen, sitting area, washroom, and even a loft!

"This is..." I was afraid to take steps. My slight fear of heights did not help. No. I did not deserve this.

"This is actually one of the smaller units," Emmeryn giggled. "These homes are usually made for those who live alone or don't have children. There are larger units."

I couldn't believe this. "I... Milady, thank you, but this is too much!" I chocked. "I-I...I don't deserve any of this!"

"You are one of us." She smiled. "This is your home." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a sack full of something that made a jingling noise. "Here, this is enough gold to last for a while."

With a dry throat, I accepted the gold. "Th-thank you."

"We can't spoon feed you forever, though," she said. "There are plenty of jobs and things you can do to earn a living. I suggest you do some of the odd jobs or working at one of the facilities in the Commons."

Instead of a reply, I looked at the ground, tears falling from my cheeks. "I...thank much." I wiped away my tears as they fell harder. "You have been so, so kind to me. You have given me so many opportunities. I promise that I will not take a single one for granted."

Emmeryn cupped my face in her handw, making me look up. "It is the least we can do. This is your home. We welcome you with open arms."

"Thank you..." Naga has truly blessed me. Two months ago, I was regretting waking up. I hated each and every day. Now, I have something to look forward to. "I will work my hardest to become a respectable member of society. I will give the pack my all."

"I'm glad to hear that." She turned to the exit. "I'll leave you to get acquainted to your new home. Oh, I forgot to add: the reason I chose this tree for you is that some of the Shepherds live here. Stahl and Miriel live below you. Cherche and Cordelia live above you. The trees nearby contain the units of the others."

My heart warmed in excitement. I get to live near my friends! This is great! "Once again, thank you so much. Your generosity means so much."

She bowed her head. "Anything to make you feel welcome. Goodnight."


With the soft click of the door closing, I was alone.

I looked around at my place again. I can't believe all of this belongs to me... It's incredible! The interior was illuminated by various blue flame lamps; strangely enough, they didn't make the room blue. Everything looked like it was crafted out of wood and other materials. The sitting room consisted of a couch and a few seats; all with green patterned wool.

I ran my hand along it. It was very soft. There were a few mahogany end tables and a coffee table in front of the main couch. Bookshelves lined the walls. I had no doubt that they would be filled within a week. They already had a few books in them. Near one of the walls was a green curtain. I pulled it back and it revealed a simple washroom.

At the furthest wall was a small hearth. Traditionally, there would be a fireplace at the center of the sitting room, but fire was a huge hazard to trees. Each tree with housing units contained a large, central fire beneath it. I was told that it was a magical fire that burned for eternity, and was safe. This fire provided heat for all units.

At the wall nearest to the exit was the kitchen. It contained a stove and oven, sink, icebox, various cupboards, and a pantry. The flooring of the kitchen was a lighter colored wood compared to the other floors. A table and a few chairs were placed inside of it.

Looking back to the sitting room, I focused my attention on the loft. Below the loft was a multipurpose area that could be turned into anything. I would deal with that later. I went up the short flight of stairs to find a bed.

I guess this must be where I sleep. The bed was made out of mahogany and has green sheets. Other various items up in the loft area were dressers, a closet, a desk, and a few more chairs. When I opened the closet and dressers, they were already stocked with clothing.

I sat down on the bed with a sigh. I...I can't believe any of this! This is more than I ever could have dreamed of! I laid down, smiling. "This is the start of my new life. My better life."


Hours later, after organizing, making dinner, and practicing shifting, I curled into bed with a book. I changed into comfortable night clothing, pulling the sheets around me. I let out a content sigh as my eyes scanned the pages. I wasn't necessarily even reading. I was too excited to focus.

Eventually, I set the book down and rested my head on the pillow. I have so much ahead of me. So much to see and do! I can't wait! I'm going to be able to hunt when I please, find a job, make new friends, and maybe even find my mate!

I curled inward, smiling. I wonder if I even have a mate, seeing as that I was Made. Well, Mother Naga must have planned this from the start, so that means I must have a mate. I won't focus on that, though. My first priority is figuring out my place in life, not romance.

I closed my eyes and prepared for pleasant dreams.

JUST YOU WAIT, ANNA. JUST YOU WAIT. I mean, who could ever be her mate...I have no ideas. Hmmm. Anyway, I promise once again that we'll have plot. Maybe. I just want Anna to be happy for a while before it all goes to hell. I mean what. Imma make myself some hot chocolate. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!


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