Chapter 18: The Moonflower

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"Do you have everything you need?" Chrom asked me as we neared the edge of the city.

I nodded. "Yep. I got my sword and bow. I'll be fine."

"Remember, you have to fend for yourself. You will not receive any aid from us." He chewed his lip nervously. "Are you sure you want to do this now? I know the timing is convenient, but we can wait another month to prepare. If you mess up tonight, you would fail the Trials and be banished."

I exhaled softly. "I appreciate your concern, Chrom. But I don't want to wait." I turned to him, determination burning in my gaze. "I can do this."

The unease refused to leave his eyes. "I-I know! But-"

"You'll see me again tomorrow morning with the Moonflower. I promise."

Chrom let out a chuckle. "I should've known that you won't listen to me. You're too determined." He looked into the forest. "Alright, we're here. Be cautious and remember what I taught you."

I placed my right hand on my sword. "Will do."

Chrom was not kidding when he said that he would be a rough teacher. I had originally thought that the Luna did all of their fighting in wolf form - which they do - but they also used weapons. Chrom even has a special blade that only he can wield called the Falchion. I learned basic fighting skills from him until I was sore and couldn't move on. Eventually, Lissa had to pull me away so I could rest and heal for my first Trial.

"Good luck, Anna. I'll see you tomorrow morning," Chrom smiled, waving goodbye as he stalked away.

"See ya..." I gulped and turned to the forest. The moon was high in the sky and the stars danced. A cold breeze drifted through the air, making me shiver. The only noises that could be heard were the songs of crickets and frogs. Darkness blanketed the area, the only light being the beams of moonlight that were able to break through the trees.

I took a deep breath and began to walk. "Don't worry, Anna. You can do this. It's just a flower. How hard can it be to find?" My eyes scanned the forest floor. I have absolutely no leads.

I closed my eyes and tried to envision the flower. It's silver and blue. It also glows. But Emmeryn never said how big it was or what type of flower it looked like. Is it a rose? A daisy? A lily? I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. "This could take a while..."


After hours of searching, I found nothing.

I tried everything. Staring at the ground, riffling through the grass, climbing trees to get a better view, hell, I even crawled on the ground and tried sniffing!

I'm stupid, that's what I am. I huffed to myself, sitting up. I'm not a wolf. I can't sniff things out.

I began to internally panic. I've wasted so much time going in circles! It's going to be daytime soon! I'm going to fail my Trial!

Leaning against a tree, I pondered each of my options. Ok. I just need to start over. I am looking for a glowing, silver and blue flower. It only blooms during a full moon. It is very rare. If I were a rare flower, where would I be?

I opened my eyes and scanned the area. "I would probably be hiding... That's it!" I shot up. "I haven't been looking in every nook and cranny where something could hide!"

I began my search. I looked under rocks, bushes, roots, everything. I searched caves and ditches; even going as far to see if they bloomed in a tree. Still, nothing.

I was tired, covered in mud and twigs, and still nothing. However, a spark of hope ignited in my heart as I saw something glow behind a rock. I happily sprinted towards it. I found it! I finally found it after hours of searching! And just in time, too. Dawn isn't too far from now.

As I neared the rock, any and all hope I had disappeared. It was just moonlight reflecting off a shiny surface.

I dropped to my knees and began to sob. "It's hopeless... I'm never going to find this stupid flower!" I rolled onto my back, keeping my eyes shut tight. "I'm going to be sent home...back to the humans... I wouldn't be surprised if Father already sold me off to someone. I'm not worthy..."

"Naga...what should I do...?" I opened my eyes to look at the moon. Well, tried to look at the moon. Its bright light was obscured by the trees, making it impossible to see clearly. "Great. Now the moon isn't even on my side."

I sighed, tears running down my dirt covered cheeks. Why did I even bother? I should have known that this wouldn't work out... In an act of total desperation, I re-evaluated everything. A silver and blue flower that glows. It blooms once every full moon. That is it. It's almost dawn, so I may as well give-


I shot up, an idea piecing itself together in my brain. "It only blooms in a full moon... The full moon's light makes it grow..." My heart leaped as everything pieced together. "It does not grow in any other moon phase because there isn't enough light! Meaning, it blooms in full moonlight!"

I quickly sprung to my feet and began to run. I need to find a clearing! And fast!

Almost as if Naga herself was presenting it to me, I fell upon a small pond in a clearing in the forest that was illuminated by moonlight. Glowing right beside it was a small, five-petaled, silver and blue flower.

I sank to my knees and sobbed with relief. "I finally found it!" The Moonflower was about the size of my hand and smelled of vanilla, lavender, and sea breeze. Emmeryn told me that if I found it, I need to trim it. I took out a small paring knife and trimmed the steam.

I smiled at the beautiful bloom in my hands. "One step closer to becoming Luna." I looked up at the moon. "Thank you, Naga. Thank you for presenting me with this bloom. Its life will not be taken for granted."


Bursting into the main hall of The Great Tree covered in mud and panting wasn't the most dignified entrance, but I didn't care.

"" I wheezed, holding out the Moonflower to a startled Emmeryn. Luckily, Sumia and Cordelia were there to support me.

"Gods, you must have had some night!" Sumia exclaimed, holding me upright.

Cordelia took the flower from my hands. "But she did it... She actually did it!" She handed it to Emmeryn.

"I'll be damned..." Chrom muttered, smiling dumbfoundedly at me.

Lissa squealed. "Anna found the Moonflower! Looks like Maribelle owns me 10 gold!"

I sagged against Sumia. "Will...will it suffice...?" I looked up at the Alpha as she examined the flower.

"I...I am impressed!" she laughed breathlessly. "Yes! This is exactly what you were looking for!" She stood up and walked over to me. "I will keep the Moonflower safe for the time being. In the meantime, you must rest for your next Trial. You have done very well."

Sumia sniffed me. "Ugh, she needs a bath, first!"

"Ok..." I don't even care what they do with me. After this, I am going to take the longest nap anyone has ever seen.

One Trial to go... After this, I can do anything! Catching the stag will be a piece of cake!

Famous last words. This was fun to write and describe. Yee yee. I really can't think of anything to say. Well, other than HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL. IT'S THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!


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