Chapter 34: Love Stories

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I groaned, plopping down on a log near the campfire. I'm so done with today. I just want to rest. The mid-January chill definitely took a toll on me. I couldn't get warm no matter how many layers I wore.

The Shepherds were asked to escort some healers to a nearby town. There was an outbreak of some sickness, but nothing that couldn't be healed easily. I was glad for that, too. Naga knew how I felt about severe epidemics.

However, the snow didn't care if we were traveling. Luckily, there was no blizzard on the horizon; that was about our only blessing. The trip took two days and one night, meaning we would have to set up camp in the frozen forests of Ylisse.

"Looks like someone's tired!" Sumia giggled.

I cracked open an eye to glare at the brunette knight. There were two other people sitting at the fire: Cherche and Sully. "Shush. I'm practically frozen."

Sully huffed a laugh. "Really? You've been training with Chrom for the past hour. With how much he keeps you on your toes, you should be burning up!"

I rolled my eyes. "We trained in wolf form," I sighed. "My fur got wet from the snow so I was freezing when I shifted back."

"Well, stay with us for a while! The fire should keep you warm!" Cherche beamed.

Don't mind if I do... I said to myself, extending my hands to warm them.

"Anyway, Cherche, what were you saying before Anna sat down?" Sumia asked.

"Oh! That!" Cherche shrugged. "I was saying that everyone sitting down here has a mate, but I suppose not anymore now that Anna's here."

I flushed red. Great. This discussion is happening.

Sully slid over to me and patted my shoulder. "Ah, don't worry your pretty little head off! You'll find your mate soon enough!"

"How is Libra, anyway?" Sumia asked Cherche. "Aren't you anxious that he's back in Ylisstol and you're out here?"

Cherche let out a breath. "...Well, yes. I do feel a bit of separation anxiety, but it's fine. I volunteered to go on this journey knowing full well that Libra would want to stay home."

"He's not a very moble Shepherd, is he?" I raised an eyebrow, hoping I didn't say anything rude.

She shook her head. "No, but he does plenty for the group, no matter where he is."

"That's nice..." I trailed off. Gods, why do I feel so awkward talking about mates? I should probably ask them for advice on feelings, but my case is different. The ones they loved turned out to be their mates. Mine isn't. He can't.

One would expect for our relationship to improve after my breakdown last week, but no. If anything, I made more of an effort to avoid him. I still spent time with him, sure, but I couldn't shake my lingering love for him. I was too scared that he would find out about my feelings or hear how fast he made my heart beat.

I fidgeted with my hands. "Umm...can I ask...? Er...well..."

Sumia's head tilted in curiosity. "Is something wrong? You can talk to us about anything, you know."

Cherche nodded. "Yeah, we're right here, darling."

Sully crossed her arms. "What's on your mind?"

I swallowed the thick lump in my throat. "Um, well... How did you know your partners were your mates?"


Oh, gods. I was totally out of line. I shouldn't have asked-

"Well, that's a bit hard to explain..." Sumia said. "Everyone has a different experience. But, there are similar things wolves go through. For one, you always feel some sort of bond with your mate, even if the bond isn't solidified."

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