Chapter 23: No More Playing

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I let out a snarl as I was pinned to the ground, kicking with my hind legs. The wolf atop me snarled back. I rolled over, the opposing wolf tumbling off. The wolf growled and raised its head to the air, howling.

Two other wolves attacked me from behind, nipping at my hind legs. I yelped in pain and fell to the ground, playing dead.

The yips of three pups sounded around me. They wagged their little tails and poked me with their muzzles. I couldn't take it anymore.

I sat up and let out an amused bark, my three "attackers" looked like they were ready to play again. I let out a sigh and stood, ready to be pounced on by the three energetic puppies once more.

However, a wolf barked to get my attention. I looked in the direction of the bark to see Chrom. I lowered my head in goodbye to the pups, nuzzling each one. Then, I trotted up to my blue-furred friend.

Once we were away from the nursery, we shifted into our human forms. "Did you get you get taught a lesson by those pups?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, they are the strongest fighters in all of Ylisse. You best beware them."

Two weeks have passed since I started living with the Luna. The end of November was nearing and so was the start of winter.

"So, how are you liking your work in the nursery?"

I shrugged. "It's pretty entertaining. I love playing with the pups!"

I took on a part-time job working in the nursery. I mainly played with the pups and took care of the babies. I decided to take up work there because I thought that being with developing Luna would help me get used to my new self.

My bonds with Chrom and the others have grown significantly since I became Luna. I would see them each and every day and they would teach me new things. I loved living here. Sure, I missed my friends back in my Human town, but they can never compare to the ones I have here.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" I exclaimed. "Wanna go to one of the many places Stahl has recommended to me for lunch?"

Chrom chuckled. "Sure. Although that is a very broad category."

We continued to talk while walking to the Shopping District. Then, Frederick's wolf form came bounding up to us. As soon as he caught up, he shifted. "Milord, Lady Emmeryn is requesting your presence."

Chrom glanced at me. "Is it urgent?"

"With how she sounded, yes."

He sighed. "All right, then." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm going to have to take a raincheck on lunch, Anna. Maybe some other time?"

I dismissed him with the wave of a hand. "Don't worry about it. I wanted to do some hunting, anyway."

He nodded. "Very well. I'll come by your place later, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you then!"

I waved him goodbye, sighing once he was out of sight. "Oh, well. I wonder what Emmeryn is so worried about..."


I stalked through the forest, treading lightly.

I had to relearn how to hunt as a wolf. I was still very rusty, but I was getting there. Of course, I could hunt in my human form, but the feeling of being a wolf while stalking prey was undoubtedly better.

I lowered my snout to the ground, trying to pick up on any scents. Pine, oak, berries, mice, leaves, rain from three days ago, stale Ylissean scent...nothing.

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