Chapter Sixteen

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It's cold in here.

What time is it?

Almost everyone on the plane was asleep, soundly snoring in their time of rest. Beside me, Rebecca was leaning on my shoulder, her blanket on the floor of the plane. It was late, and all the windows were seemingly closed for the sake of the passengers' rest. I was staring at the ceiling of the plane, my eyes droopy as a drowsy feeling pulled on my limbs. To distract myself from sleeping, my arm reached over to grab the fallen blanket, careful to let Rebecca's head rest against her chair. I pulled the blanket over both Rebecca and me.

Doctor Pat would be impressed to see her sleeping so soundly tonight. She said Rebecca might not have a calm rest for a few weeks unless my effect on her was prominent.

And I guess it is.

The ears of the floppy, blue bunny were underneath her arms, and I leaned over to her, letting her head slide onto my shoulder. Is it weird to say that I feel entitled to protect her? I basically met her on the streets of Paris and she told me she was a runaway, so I pushed her into becoming my roommate, and now I feel the very need to just.. protect her. My eyes lowered to see her face, half of it underneath the warm blanket.

Seeing her sleep.. it was like seeing an enthusiastic monster in a calm state. Though she didn't seem to be the one to, she smiled in her sleep.

Or, at least, that's what it looked like.

God, I need to stop being so creepy. I tucked my arm underneath the blanket, reaching out for Rebecca's hand. That was until her hand moved unconsciously to mine instead. I surprised to find that it was warm because of her body being exposed for at least six hours inside the cold plane.

"I don't know why.." I mumbled to myself. My other hand played with her brown curls. "..but I think that somehow, you're special to me."

In response, Rebecca's head moved so that her face was against my shoulder. Her breathing pattern changed, and I found that she was awake. Or, you know, still in the state of thinking they're asleep but they aren't. Even in the luminous dark, the blush on her face was acknowledged. My green eyes scanned her face as I ignored the pink blinker.


In a strange way, I was surprised, yet calm, to hear her speak. Her voice was alluring. There wasn't any other way to explain it. With my heart beating wildly at the funny feeling in my stomach, I replied.


There wasn't a single peep out of her. She was still conscious, that's what I could tell, but she didn't seem to want to respond. I could just feel the tension of what she wanted to say. It was as if the spark of confidence in her had immediately drained as soon as I spoke. I felt her hug my left arm from underneath the blanket, the warmth of her body striking up my arm and down my spine. She shook her head, the last minute thought inside of her blossoming like a flower in spring.

"Never mind.." Rebecca murmured, her grip on my arm tightening. I felt her kiss my shoulder lightly, a smile on her face. "Good night."

My eyes widened as realization struck me. Wait..! Before she could doze off to sleep, my hand went up to her face, making her look up at me. Her brown eyes were filled with a cloudy sleepiness. I gulped.

Just a little bit..

Without the slightest trace of hesitance, I leaned over and kissed her. She was conscious enough to do the same.


I woke up to find myself sitting next to Rebecca, her face covered with her hands, red. The blush pricked up to her ears, and I remembered what happened. Whatever was the reason, she didn't seem to notice that I was awake. SHIT. I FUCKING KISSED HER. OH FUCKING SHIT. SHE WAS HALF-ASLEEP TOO!! OH SHIT, I THINK THAT'S TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SOMEONE. OH SHIT, I COULD GET ARRESTED. I found Rebecca sinking into her seat when she saw that I was awake. I kept my cool, my face stone-cold. Don't freak out.


Rebecca's face reddened even more. "I-I'm sorry! I-I had this really, u-um, weird dream. A-And I've been thinking about it. The whole day." She closed her eyes shut, as if embarrassed. "I-I don't think you'd like to know."

She thinks it was a dream?

My hand fidgeted with the blanket. Should I tell her the truth? Or should I leave it be? I cleared my throat. "Sure. Whatever."

I'll tell her later. Right now, I don't think she'd be able to take it. I peered over at her. She was still blushing madly, as if the kiss truly seemed to affect her that much. I smiled at her embarrassment. Maybe Philip was right about her liking me.


She jumped slightly at her name being called. "Y-Yeah?"

My own piece of the fun comes next.

A slight smirk appeared on my face. "What was the dream about?"

Her face was enveloped in red. "W-What?"

I leaned towards her, making her lean back in response. Her brown eyes flickered between embarrassment and fluster. I smiled. "I'm sorry. Did I stutter?"


"So, answer my question."

"I-I already told you; I don't think you'd like to know."

"That's what you think."

She remained silent, hugging her blue bunny tightly.

"Are you going to tell me?"

The pink blinker in my vision was beeping rapidly, matching with her exceeding heartbeats. I snickered, resting back in my seat. And now, the finale of my fun.

"Or perhaps, you'd like to reenact it?"

Rebecca froze.

Her face was so red that I was afraid it would explode. Hitting my arm, she exclaimed words at me. "You know what you did, don't you?! You perverted piece of sea scum! Oh my god, I can't believe I actually fell for your act! You stupid, little—!"

I laughed, taking the hits easily. "Damn, Rebecca! Chill!"

Her red cheeks puffed out as she hugged me, stopping herself from hitting. "Y-You're so mean!"

"It's a kiss, Rebecca."


"It was a kiss with me."

"You arrogant, little shit."

"Oh, how you've wounded me."

"Shut up."

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