Chapter Twenty Six

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Rebecca Walker

It had been four days since the "kidnapping" occurred. Every so often, Xander told me when Sam had been fed and if he was still healthy. He was like a messenger, being the only person we could communicate with to get our messages through. Xander was surprisingly nicer, and it was almost a little too aggravating and mind-blowing to think about. I mean, I've known this guy ever since I was little! He was always a typical, overrated, rich brat.

The change because of me clearly not liking him was slightly relieving, but a little heart-breaking. I didn't know what to think. Should I be livid that he wasn't a snobby punk? Or should I feel guilty that he actually liked me, and I didn't know because of his arrogant demeanor? Again, we were called to dinner, except this time, we weren't eating out. Papa said there was a very significant announcement. With all my heart, I hoped he wasn't going to discuss the wedding. I didn't feel like talking about it.

I was just about to dress up, until there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said aloud.

When the door opened, I saw Mama come in. Turning to look at her, she smiled solemnly, closing the door behind her. The slight bags underneath her eyes showed that she was tired, most likely from lack of sleep. "Do you need any help, love?" She said quietly.

I nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

Walking in, she looked through my closet. I moved aside to let her have some room. While she scanned through my closet, she peered at me.

"Today's dinner.." she started, grabbing a dress off the hook, "is going to be interesting. And I want you to know that there's nothing to worry about. Xander and I will explain to you later on. There's nothing to worry about, okay love?" She put the dress up against me, looking at how it matched me.

"Mama.. I don't know what you're trying to say.." I whispered, looking at the dress. "Worry about what?"

"What your papa is going to announce," she replied. Stepping back, she looked up and smiled wearily. "Ah, this dress is a nice choice. Wear it."


"Good evening, Miss Rebecca," one of the maids greeted kindly.

I nodded to her. My heart was racing as I pulled one of the doors open. What is Papa going to announce? If Mama and Xander are in on this, what did they do? What happened? Did something happen to Sam? Breathing in deeply, I walked into the dining room. Every bone in my body felt like crumbling into dust. I was a little terrified of what was to come. Slowly, everyone began coming to the dining room, one by one.

Soon enough, we were all sat down at the table. Xander's parents were sat beside him, as were my parents. Relatives of Xander's family and my parents' friends sat with us. Papa stood up and cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention. I looked up, shivering when a sudden chill ran down my spine.

"Before we begin eating," he said, peering at all of us. His stone eyes met mine, and I only responded with a sudden glint of hatred. "I have an announcement to make. As we all know, the wedding of our heirs is coming soon." I froze suddenly at the mention of the wedding. I felt the familiar hazel eyes glance at me. "Of course, I planned in executing the man that Rebecca was with before the wedding."

Murmurs went around the table. "After discussing with my wife—" Mama visibly cringed. "—and Xander, I realized that because of this man having a strong relationship with Rebecca, I couldn't possibly kill him before the wedding, or else she would be in a foul mood the entirety of the ceremony." My eyes widened as I sat up straight, leaning over slightly to hear his words. "So, I decided to move the execution date to after the wedding day."


My voice made everyone look at me as I stood up slowly. Papa nodded. "After the wedding day, Rebecca. I don't need to repeat my own words."

My heart was beating wildly now, and I felt a smile on my face. "O-Okay! Thank you, Papa!"

I looked overt at Mama and Xander, who were giving each other a knowing look. They turned and looked at me, and I felt tears in my eyes boiling. Thank you, you two. I sat down quickly and held Mama's hand underneath the table. She clutched it tightly in reply. Sam.. we're going to get out of here. I smiled shyly at her. We will.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mama! Xander!" I exclaimed quietly, hugging them both.

Dinner was done, and we were all grouping together for discussions. Both Mama and Xander met up with me after dinner to talk about what had just happened. The two were the ones who managed to persuade Papa to move the date of execution to after the wedding. They had a plan that I didn't know of, but they were going to tell me once everyone was gone and it was the night.

"Love, please calm down," Mama giggled a little, "You're very enthusiastic."

"Of course I am!" I exclaimed once again. Letting go of them, I wiped away my tears of joy. "Sam is so important to me, and I'm important to him. All the stress he's been under hurts him, and I'm supposed to be with him to aid that pain."

Xander smiled. "You two really need each other, don't you?"

Mama noticed the small break at the end of Xander's sentence. I tried to ignore the heartbroken tone. Not once did I consider that he liked me. Not once did I consider his feelings. My lips thinned into a line. Quickly, I hugged him again. My arms wrapped around his torso tightly as my heart began to swell. He seemed a little surprised, looking down at me.

"Of course we do. But this was all because of you, Xander." I looked up and smiled at him brightly. His eyes were wide. "So, thank you."

Scrambling away from me, Xander looked up awkwardly, a thick blush on his face. "U-Um, yeah, sure, whatever."

Mama grabbed our hands and started to pull us up the stairs. "Let's go. We can't waste any more time." She looked over her shoulder at us. "We need to discuss quickly."

I nodded. "Right!"

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