Chapter Seventeen

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A question I didn't have an answer to.

"Why did you kiss me?"

My eyes widened as Rebecca's gaze landed on me, pure and curious. They were like chocolate truffles freshly dipped in a glistening glaze, the sky's reflection in them. I blinked, and my cheeks brushed with a tinted pink. Rebecca's gaze hardened on me, almost like the glare of an eagle, but the look was merely a stare. I gulped down the lump in my throat. What am I supposed to say? I honestly have no idea why I kissed her! Closing my agape mouth, I cleared my throat and laughed a little nervously, my hand on the nape of my neck.

"I actually.. don't know," I mumbled nervously, whipping over to the window to avoid seeing her reaction. "Uhh.. I guess it felt like something of a red-string-of-fate thing. It's probably weird to you; sorry."

The uttering silence (besides the murmuring of passengers) was making my ears ring. A hand was put on my arm, making me shiver a little. Peering over slightly without moving my head, Rebecca was looking down with a beautiful smile on her face.

"That's an acceptable answer," she replied softly, her fingers stroking my arm lightly. The touch sent shivers down my spine, jolting to my feet. "Funny as it sounds, I feel that too."


I promised after my bitch ex that I wouldn't fall.

But guess who's been pushed off the cliff?

This stupid little shit.

"Though," Rebecca continued, her left hand to her mouth to hold in a giggle, "you don't seem like a romantic type. So, I hope I've fallen righteously."

As I looked down at her, my gaze lowered to stare at her beautiful eyes. My hand moved to hold hers, our fingers lacing together.

I hope so too.


Ignoring the fact that we were on the ground again, Rebecca and I thanked the pilot personally. We stepped off the plane, only for Rebecca to have to help me as I staggered to stand up correctly. Oh shit, I hope I'm not too heavy. Her arm wrapped around my torso, helping me stand up straight as my knees shook.

"You've never flown before, I'm guessing," Rebecca giggled pleasurably. She obviously found my staggering amusing. I gave her a blank look, almost as if saying I was dying. She smiled. "Don't worry. You'll get used to it. It'll be a while, but by then, I'm sure you can stand."

"Oh Jesus.." I muttered. "I hate feeling weak..."

"Oh?" Rebecca said. She raised her eyebrow at me as she helped me sit down on the seats of the airport. "Or is it just because you hate feeling weak and that makes me the dominant one?"

Putting her hands on her hips, she leaned to me with a look, her cheeks puffed out. The suitcases and bags were with us as she cornered me. I gulped again. When she's mad, it's kind of irresistible. It's like she's asking me to try her. The spark in her eyes delivered a dominant aura towards me. I felt my neck heating up.

"Tch! Don't do that!" I exclaimed, pushing her away, trying hard not to hurt her. She gave me a puzzled look as I stood up, suddenly straight. Her arms were crossed now. I looked away, my eyes showing disgust, though the blush on my face was saying otherwise. I felt the red feeling prick in my ears. "I don't like it.."

Rebecca smiled. "And I don't care." Grabbing her bag and her suitcase, she looked at me with a smile. "Well, it looks like you can stand. We should get going then."

She quickly avoided the topic, as if she knew that I was uncomfortable with the subject.

After that dumb kiss, I can't.. see her the same anymore.

In a good and bad way.


I licked the ice cream off of the cone as we walked down the busy streets of the busy city. California truly is a popular state because of its cities. The sun, which was out during this time of year, was roasting to me like a turkey. Rebecca and I were walking to a hotel on our way to Olivia's area code. Two days. She bought two ice cream cones for the both of us. She got me chocolate and she got her own vanilla.

"Tch.." I clicked my tongue as my ice cream dripped down my cone. "Annoying."

"At least your hair won't seem extreme here in Los Angeles, Sam," Rebecca said, smiling as she tossed a small laugh at me.

I looked up to see a man with his hair dyed a bright baby blue. I rolled my eyes as we continued. Our feet were probably burning, but I wouldn't admit it. "That's good. But I still don't like the fact that some people might think I like the color pink."

"It's basically an orange-red," Rebecca replied, trying to make me feel better.

She was in a pair of denim shorts and a white t-shirt (mine when I was 17) of a band. I found it annoying when I caught some people staring at her ass so bluntly, though she obliviously didn't notice. I literally had to hold her close to make sure no one looked at her without catching my death glare. I wore a similar outfit to hers: a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt of a different band. A flannel was on my waist, because apparently, Rebecca claimed that it was "attractive" on men. And to admit, yes, I found people ogling at me.

"When you become a designer," I said, licking the dripping scoop of ice cream, "you better make me proud."

Rebecca smiled and nodded. "Of course!"

We stopped to sit on a table from a random shop to rest. My legs were burning like fire. Long after finishing my ice cream, I stared at Rebecca's ice cream, which she yet had to finish. She must've noticed because she looked up at me with a small smile.

"U-Um, do you want some?" She asked.

Her voice was alluring.

Once again.

I nodded eagerly, a little child in me lifting proudly. She held out the cone to me, and I put my hand over hers, holding it. She watched intently as I licked the melted ice cream from the cone. I saw her visibly gulp, only to make me look at her with a mischievous smirk. She blushed and looked away, ignoring my hand clutching hers.

"W-What?" She stuttered.

I leaned over the table, making her look at me with her face red. Her brown curls framed her face as she closed her eyes tightly, desperately ignoring my green eyes piercing into her. I managed to see her eyes peek at me, and she almost jumped at the enclosed space. My breath fanned her ear as the blush pricked up her face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoyed watching me," I whispered into her ear.

The oh-so-familiar pink blinker flashed in the corner of my vision. Rebecca remained silent, but this time, she opened her eyes to look at me as I pulled back. She looked embarrassed in a way, and obviously flustered. I smiled and let go of her hand, sitting back down in my seat. No one noticed what had just happened.

"W-What's wrong with you now?" She questioned in a small voice. Her face flushed. "Y-You're more.. 'intimate'."

"New place, new man," I replied with a shrug. "Besides.." A devious smile played on my lips. "In Paris, there was thrill and fun. Here in L.A, who's going to be my source of entertainment?"

Rebecca's expression softened a little, though I could see the blush deepening on her face. "Well then," she said, "I'm glad that you find me amusing to be with."

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