Chapter Twenty Four

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Samuel Hernandez

I can't feel my limbs... When was the last time they fed me? Drowsily, I opened my eyes and looked down at the dark, stone floor. It was damp in here, and cool too. Cells were carved in the walls, and the only lighting was the hanging lanterns in the hall. It was calm, almost. Nonetheless, it was creepy and borderline psychotic. I completely lost my sense of time, and guards came down every so often to feed me. I was barred in a dungeon-like cell. Because of this, I almost felt like a criminal.

Clenching my jaw, I clumsily stood up, trudging towards the bars. I grabbed the metal rods and pulled on them. The clang echoed as my blood boiled.

Not once did Rebecca come.

I assumed maybe it was because her parents wouldn't let her, or she didn't know where I was, but a dark side of me wondered if she decided to leave me in here to rot. Rebecca wasn't like that to me. She was.. sweet, innocent in a way. I've never seen her act viciously before. Because of her absence, it felt like every part of me was shutting off, giving up on keeping me on my feet. If Doctor Pat was right, she was the one thing I needed to keep a mentally sane mind.

Once again, I clenched my jaw. I pulled on the bars, this time with more strength.

"God dammit.." I muttered. My fingers tightened around the metal rods, "OPEN THE FUCK UP!"

Clangs continuously echoed down the hall as I aggressively tried to pry the door open. My arms were able to stick through the openings, but the keys to the door were never placed around here. I almost felt my bones cracking when I landed a punch on one of the bars. OPEN, DAMMIT. My eyes widened when an angelic voice called out.



Carefully, I leaned forward and looked out in the direction of the voice. Sure enough, a glimpse of Rebecca was in my line of sight. She looked upset and nervous. I noticed a man walking behind her, scouting out for people they might have seen them. My eyes narrowed in on him. Who the fuck is he? A guard maybe? I felt my heart racing when Rebecca's gaze met mine. Immediately, tears filled her brown eyes as she ran up towards my cell. Her hands grabbed my wrists, and she put her head against the bars, crying.

The man behind her stayed a bit behind. Awkwardly trying to hold Rebecca's crying figure, I glanced towards him. He stared back. We almost had some sort of intense stare-off, forest green and hazel eyes clashing against each other.

"I missed you so much.." Rebecca whispered, trying to hold herself up mentally, "oh my god..!"

"Hey, hey, shh.." I mumbled to her, "It's fine. I'm here. I'm alive. We're fine."

Rebecca looked up for the first time. I've never seen her eyes so pale-like before. Numbers, once again, crossed the brown colors, and I almost felt something jolt up my spine. This was interrupted when Rebecca stood on her toes to reach my height and kissed me through the opening of the bars. I kissed her back. For a few seconds, my heart raced and felt like kicking into overdrive, and then she let go.

"What was that for all of a sudden?" I asked awkwardly, ignoring the intense stare of the man behind her as he watched us.

"You dumb idiot!" She exclaimed, wiping away her tears harshly. "I was so scared t-that something bad happened to you!" She punched me a little.

I had to admit, it stung for a second.

Letting her beat me up a little, I asked, "Who's that guy?"

The man immediately kicked off the wall, straightening up when I acknowledged his presence in the hall. Rebecca let go of me and lightly pushed the man near the cell.

"This is Xander," she replied a bit bitterly. She looked down, "He.. he is my forced fiancé."

My eyes widened.

Did I hear.. that right? Fiancé?

I turned to Xander, who stared back. A love interest, huh? My eyes must've been emitting a harsh glare because he stared back intensely. Clicking my tongue, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, pulling him against the metal bars. Leaning over, it was clear to see we were almost the same height. I couldn't tell who was taller. Rebecca squeaked a little at the sudden first impression.

"Listen, punk," I muttered to him," I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I can tell you're just a cocky bastard from the way you stare at people." I leaned over until we were face-to-face. "Trust me. I'm speaking from experience. So if I ever get out of this trash place and see that you've hurt that precious being right there, I won't hesitate to send you to hell." The corner of my mouth lifted into a smirk as my green eyes glinted a little. He noticed. "You'd be surprised to find that this isn't just a joke, but a threat."

I pushed him back, and he stumbled a little, regaining his posture. My eyes dimmed as I looked over at Rebecca. She was stunned, her eyes filled with horror. One look towards me, and she immediately left that trance behind.

"U-Um, w-why are you staring at me?"

"Forced? So I'm guessing your parents did this?" I questioned. Rebecca nodded in confirmation. "Against your own will as an adult?" I asked, a little harmful tone in my voice.

Rebecca looked down and nodded slowly. "Yes.."

I peered over at Xander, who didn't bother to look back. Wimp. "You." His eyes snapped to mine for a second as I glared at him. "When's the damn wedding?"

"Six days."

I clicked my tongue. Should've expected that. "And when am I released?"

Silence bloomed.

I gave the two a harsh glare as they looked anywhere but me, avoiding the question. Is there something I should know? A hand grabbed mine, and I glanced at Rebecca. She gave me a solemn look.

"Sam.. my parents are going to chop your head off with a guillotine before the wedding."


"Wasn't that abolished in France like sixty-seventy years ago?"

"We're still in L.A."

I clicked my tongue once again. Stupid old raisin-looking ass punks. I smirked mischievously, surprising the two before me. Ah.. the things they don't know about me... I stretched out my arms, a sinister smirk on my face.

"Well, looks like I've got some time to kill before my grand exit out of this shithole."

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