Chapter Thirteen

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"Oh my god~! You look so cute~!" Rebecca exclaimed, looking at the picture. She smiled and peered over at me. "Your hair was bolder then, than it is now."

I rolled my eyes, carrying the box over to the other side of the room. "Thanks, but I don't even like my hair color anyways."

Rebecca and I were cleaning through the boxes, which I knew we couldn't carry through them all. We already had our suitcases packed, because I was able to get the money earlier than expected. Rebecca had raised money every now and then, so she was the reason why we'd be going early. Apparently, she sold her gold watch to someone for $10, saying something about appreciating life. She was helping me choose the things to bring, but wasn't helping much because of the fact that she saw everything as cute as everything else.

She suddenly pulled out a very dusty and a very blue stuffed bunny. Her eyes sparkled, and she looked over at me once more. I could see that she was excited about it. "Sam, look! I think it was yours!"

I put a box down and walked over, crouching to look at it. How tacky. "Well, it's not anymore," I said after a moment. Standing up, I headed back towards the box of unneeded memories. "You can throw it away."

"What? No!" She squeaked. I glanced over my shoulder. Rebecca was hugging the stuffed bunny, a pout on her face as her cheeks puffed out. Her eyes were bold and innocent once again. "It's so cute! Why would you wanna throw it away?!"

"You can keep it if you want," I said, throwing a hand back at her. "It's useless to me though."

I instantly regretted saying that aloud because a cascade of squeals came running down at me. As I stood up, Rebecca hugged me from behind, the stuffed bunny between us. She glanced up at me, smiling. "Thank you!"

"Tch." I put my hand on her cheek, rubbing away the dust. She giggled a little. "You got dirty. We'll take a break. You take a shower, and I'll make us lunch."


"Ooh! That's great news!" Manager Kim suddenly exclaimed.

I took off my coat and hung it on the rack. Rebecca and Manager Kim continued with their conversation, discussing the topics of us moving to America. Manager Kim was maintaining a proud stance as I closed my locker, shutting it tightly. She suddenly turned to me with a proud smile.

"Well, well," she said, crossing her arms. "After three years, you've finally achieved your dream. Give your sister my greetings."

"Three years?" Rebecca questioned.

I rolled my eyes when I spotted the stuffed bunny was still in her hands. Manager Kim must've noticed me staring at it, because she looked at me once again and winked. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and she smiled almost like a proud parent.

"Sam has dedicated three years of hardcore work. Since he was 16," she replied casually. "He was quite a workaholic, though it didn't make me worried. I knew he had his bizarre reasons."

"Oh, yeah, spill my life story to her," I said sarcastically. "Don't mind me. In fact, ignore my presence."

Manager Kim smirked a little. "And he's still as sarcastic as ever." She sighed, huffing with a smile. "But, he did mature a lot. I feel like I raised him just the slightest bit." Peering at the clock, she jumped a little. "Oh, look at the time! I need to work through files! See you two later!"

As Manager Kim left to her office, Rebecca smiled softly and went up in front of me. I looked down at her, my eyes blank. "What?" I snapped.

She looked at me, her eyes sparkling brightly. Hugging the stuffed bunny, a knowing flash crossed her brown eyes. I gave her another look, as if asking if it was appropriate to do so. Her cheeks puffed out in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on her head. Her hair was soft, and I ruffled her curls lightly. The touch was soothing. She laughed, hiding her face in the head of the stuffed bunny.

"You're so needy," I deadpanned.

Rebecca smiled and looked at me. A small blush was on her face. "But you never complained before."

I huffed, unamused but flustered.


"America, huh?" Luna asked, her hands firing off signs. She smiled at Rebecca and then at me. "I'm happy for you two."

Rebecca bowed her head lightly. "Thank you! It'll be really sad to leave you!"

I walked up to the two girls, flicking Rebecca's forehead as I grabbed the cake pan. Rebecca held her forehead, annoyed at the sudden action. Luna smiled. "Please Rebecca. You met her just recently."

"And I have feelings!" She exclaimed.

Her arm tightened around the blue bunny. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a stick of butter, rubbing it onto the pan like a lip balm. Brent grinned at the counter in front of me, listening in on our conversation.

"Oh good for you!" I said sarcastically. "I didn't notice you were human! How did I not notice that? I'm stunned! Please, do continue, Lovely Maiden."

Rebecca's cheeks puffed out, pink. My eyes remained blank, but a pink censor blinked at the back of my mind. Flustered? How come it never beeped the countless times she blushed before? I turned my head back around, ignoring her presence and lingering eyes. Maybe she's more flustered this time. Due to the fact that I called her a lovely maiden. I felt a sudden smack! on my back. Peering over my shoulder, Rebecca was hugging me again, still annoyed.

"Stupid sarcastic boy with stupid sarcastic remarks!" She exclaimed, her arms tightening around me. "If you're gonna bake a cake, gimme some too!"

"You're such a little kid."

"Oh shut up, Prince Charming."

"Tch. Nasty nickname."

"Would you prefer me calling you an ogre instead?"

"Never mind then."

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