ch;32 --Getting Away(Dawn's POV)

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I feel my body laying on the ground as i hear foot steps behind my head, a car door opens and in a quick motion my body get jerked up ,i feel a sharp pain in my leg as i feel a cold breeze on my leg as i didn't before ,oh! the aching pain, has my leg been cut, broken? i start to pray please let me live through this , i have a huge life i want to live , i want children, and to be married.

The man covers me with a blanket ,i just lay there unconscious ,my head gets heavier, i drift into sleep as the bumps in the vehicle i got put into drives off ,off my bumpy road..

I am woken up by screeching tires and my body being shifted forward into the front seats , i just lay there as i feel motion going into my body. What the hell is that? I hear a familiar voice arguing and yelling .LET ME___ TO __HER... My mind still spinning and i can not hear all that is said at that time, i sit up to check on my leg. WHAT THE ____. I have a big gash in my leg ,i look around as i try to get myself up and onto moving. i push the door open as , i fall out of this vehicle my body hits first as i can not stand on my leg. i scoot back a fast as i can , i don't care if the driver is alive or not.. i hear off in a distance ,someone describing the vehicle that has been in a wreck "There is a wreck on highway 84, the vehicle make is Dark Green Subaru its about 98- 99 and is catching fire, a female has climbed out and bleeding really bad from her head and her leg... i think the man in the front seat is knocked out or dead" i rest myself against a tree as i watch the crushed car catching flame , this lady comes running up to me " are you ok ma'am" " are you hurt bad" " help is on the way" .

I sit there catching my breath as i go in and out of staying awake, i do not know how long i been here..

I see the cops pull up in a rush , holding there emergency bag , wrapping my wounds up .

I wake up in a strange hospital with the television on low, my door is closed and i hear beeping from the monitors, the wall are a light green and grey color with strips , i remember thinking to myself , "man that is a ugly puke green" ..

The doctor comes in and come to check me out and the Dr. starts talking to me " Well Miss, you lost a lost of blood , especially from your leg wound, Do you know how this happen? All the information i got was you was in a car wreck... My head is spinning in all this , that has happened . All i can say to him in my mind " all i remember is getting took from my house and them putting something over my mouth and i passed out and i ended up i guess as you say in the wreck"

I scream as my mind goes straight to most important thing i can remember in this time " IS TRAVIS OK" 'my heart races as i start to think the worst in the time , i remember blood and his head wound and his lifeless body just laying there..

The Dr. replies in a quick answer " I can call around for you if you like, can you give me his full name and his injuries"

Me thinking i respond after i take my long breath to calm down , "Do you have pen and paper ?"

His name is Travis Gene Gerald and he was striked over the head by an intruder and was passed out at my house last time i saw him, please hurry!

[[oh the wonders of how the world works and how we are blessed, stay tuned and wait for Travis's POV]]

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