34 the thoughts

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Dawn sits up in her bed , and lets her feet dangle off the side, the gut feeling is getting bigger as the loneliness sets in . She stands up and grabs her clothes and carries them to the bathroom to get dressed . She steps out and meets a Doctor in the hallway " i has a question ma'am . I am looking for someone , I'm not sure where he would be about , i don't have a phone on me or i would check myself & also can you check to see when i can be released. It has been three days"

The blonde doctor responds in a sweet voice, "who are you looking for? and yes i can check your release" . I sigh as i take a breath in and out and retrieve the words and thoughts in my brain " i am looking for a man , his name is Travis and he had a horrible head wound"

"ill get right on that search , follow me"... dawn responds with a nod.

the nurse walks away in a hurry scuff.

Dawn limps a little as she follows the young lady .

The nurse sits down in her spinning hair, adjusts it and starts typing on her computer. i give her his name and birthday and she types it in.

Dawn rest her arms on the table front of the nurses station , waiting and hoping for a response.

"Well Miss. There is one man in this hospital with the description you gave me . he is in ICU on the 5th floor . He went into surgery three days ago, lost a lot of blood, got a infusion and on IV and fluids, and just simply recovering, After i get your papers for release you may go there, but do not leave until there , you still have to give your report on the accident , since the John Doe did not live to tell his story, oh and they need you to identify him , so we can contact his family"

Dawn nods in response , as she walks away . when the nurse goes back to her patience..

She looks around the corner and goes into her room like she suppose to, but does she listen? when has she ever. She peaks her head out the door, see if the coast is clear. Grabs a coat from inside the closest she was wearing. She darts out the door and shoots towards the elevator in a panic.

The loud speaker comes on "WE HAVE A COLD BLUE , ALL DOCTORS PLEASE COME TO ROOM 459 , fifth floor, repeat all specialist to fifth floor , room 459.. code blue"

Her heart races..... boom boom boom.. it speeds up as all the thoughts and intuitions kick in , while panicking " PLEASE NO NO, IF THERE IS A GOD , PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE HIM" boom boom boom...

*ding* the elevator opens up as doctors rush out pushing a bed , with a man on a bed getting CPR on him.. i try and get a glimpse of who it might be...

Its not him, i climb in the elevator as i take a breath , bent over , trying regain m breathe and calm my heartrate down *ding* the door closes behind me..

I slide down the wall , as i get dizzy , in my manic/panic state. *Ding* the door opens , i stand up and step out. i start walking around the halls , looking at the cards with the names hanging on them. I see the name that looks so familiar , there it is. My favorite name of all.

I take a deep breath , and push the door open. expecting the worst.

There he is , laying there all peaceful sleeping.. His head is wrapped up. I rush in excitement, i grab his hand and sit on the edge of his bed, running my thumb over back of his hand, tracing the lines in them. He wakes up , eyes squinting at me, blinking fast. "HI , beautiful"

I smile, as a tear trails down my face.. "how are you feeling, are you ok' i say softly.

a smile comes across his face as he responds with a breath "i am good, little bit tender but i am good , how is your leg, are you ok?"

i chuckle... whipping my face " I'm great , got liquid stitches , got bumps and bruises" ..

a doctor walks in and gasps. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE, you don't listen very well ma'am, but i understand how two souls can't be separated very long, but you had a visitor downstairs and i told them , you was getting x-rays.. They said there your husband "

i look at Travis, "But your right here ,-i grip his hand tight- who else can it be " ...

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